mfs 2004 Concord

Pro Member Trainee
Iunbearable Trainee

I was wondering if theres a download for the concord? I have an older version of mfs and it has it. Was thinking of transfering over to 2004 version but didnt think it was compatible.

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Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

It makes for a huge folder but it's well worth it. Beautiful, many liveries.

Pro Member Trainee
Iunbearable Trainee

RadarMan wrote:

It makes for a huge folder but it's well worth it. Beautiful, many liveries.

Thank you sir your the bomb!
Will that work for 2004 though?
It's hard to read its in french lol

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

I don't speak French either but there is an English section and it was put out for and even later patched as a version for FS9.
It has great sound and gauge files that many other aircraft are using.

Have fun with it, it will take you very high, very ❗ ❗ ❗

Pro Member Trainee
Iunbearable Trainee

RadarMan wrote:

I don't speak French either but there is an English section and it was put out for and even later patched as a version for FS9.
It has great sound and gauge files that many other aircraft are using.

Have fun with it, it will take you very high, very ❗ ❗ ❗

Sweet like the BlackBird I hope 😉
I appreciate you helping me sir!

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

👍 3rd down, you have to try Firefox. If you look closely he put Clint Eastwoods face on the pilot.

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