Earlier I finally took the plunge and tried out Fspassengers. I started up a flight from KSEA (Seattle) to KGEG (Spokane) in the Cessna 172. I only got one passenger, a 60 year old man. When we departed I chose to fly IFR and the tower instructed me to climb to 13,000. Everything was fine until we got past 10,000. The pressure danger started rising as did that old man's fear. And, wouldn't you know it that ATC would not let me decrease my altitude. Those guys are evil I tell ya! I just aborted the whole flight and then later realized that I should have just canceled the IFR and continue VFR.
Me 🙂
My question is what are you doing taken a non-pressurized plane to 13000 ft.????
All I was doing was following ATC's instructions. Yes, I should have known not to go that high, but ATC should likely know it also. But then, this is Microsoft's ATC we're talking about here. I think they just hate me up in that tower.
I'm sure if I continued that old man would have had a heart attack with his fear rising like it did.
I feel I say this way too often of late, but here it is:
Ditch the horrible default ATC and go fly on VATSIM!
Mithheru is right .
There is no interface between ATC and FSPax.Yesterday night for example i was in an emergency landing and just for the types i ask for runway and permission to land.When i was on final the ATC tells me to go around in order a Piper to land 😳 .... 😉
FS Passengers produces far too many "emergencies" compared to real world statistics.
While Bindolaf is correct that ATC provided by Vatsim is far better than the ATC built into FS. However, I don't think it it makes sense to burden its controllers with a bunch of computer-induced "emergencies".
Another question for Mitheru. When you filed your flight plan in FS, what altitude did you request?
A quick note about emergencies and VATSIM. Most controllers don't mind, or even enjoy an emergency here and there. What we do not enjoy is people using small emergencies all the time to get ahead on the "to land" list. This is a rare occasion though. Bear in mind that the controller may reject the emergency and ask you to either continue normally or disconnect for now. Also bear in mind that most times they won't 🙂
I guess that's why I have no desire to be a controller. I so much prefer that everything goes according to plan. 🙄
hehe. Everyone likes a bit of excitement in there job =)
Has anyone tried Radar Contact? I hear it's a good offline alternative to Microsoft's ATC.
Is it any good? Thanks... 😎
I looked at their site and it looks interesting, but since FSX is due out at the end of the year and I don't know what will be compatible with it, I've decided to stop buying addons for FS9.
That Radar Contact looks quite impressive. I'll definately have a look into it for an alternative for offline ATC.
I have looked at VATSIM, but got overwhelmed by all the info on their website. I'll have to revisit it again when I have time to absorb it all.
In response to CrashGordon's question, I looked at the flight plan for KSEA to KGEG and it has 13,000. I'll have to pay closer attention to that and make sure to lower it when I retry that flight.
Vatsim can seem intimidating. I fly GA on vatsim using VFR in non-congested areas. My problem with IFR on vatsim is that I am concentrating so much on flying the plane that reacting to instructions sometimes causes me not to notice something I should have paid attention to.
Also, I rarely do flights for the VA I fly for on Vatsim since if I screw up and some on thinks I'm an idiot, I don't mind, but I won't have them think of, "That idiot who flies for Pacific Airways".
I suspected you filed your flight plan with too high an altitude, but I'm surprised the ATC wouldn't clear you to a lower flight level. While I don't always get the one I want, I've never been flat out refused.
However, if ATC was screwed up, the solution was to declare an emergency in FSP, discontinue IFR (assuming conditions warranted) and contine the flight VFR, descending to a safe altitude and finding a nearby airport.
CG take my advice and overcome your fear by plunging in. No one will think you're an idiot, quite the contrary. And if you include a "new at this, may need some help" remark in your flight plan, you'll get all the help you need and more. It's very enjoyable - too much so to be missing out!
Bindolaf, could you give me a quick lowdown on how to get started with VATSIM? I visited their website and was completely overloaded with all the info, criteria to sign up etc. I read some of the stuff and I'm reasonably qualified at flying small aircraft already but I just couldn't find any signup page and how to get started.
Perhaps you could put me on the right track?
Thanks a lot, JTH 🙂
Bindolaf wrote:
CG take my advice and overcome your fear by plunging in. No one will think you're an idiot, quite the contrary. And if you include a "new at this, may need some help" remark in your flight plan, you'll get all the help you need and more. It's very enjoyable - too much so to be missing out!
My flights have been getting closer to civilization, so sooner or later, I will get to interact with a controller. I actually have flown a Beech 1900D out of KLAX when no controllers were online, but the fact that there were SWA and UPS planes at the airport made me nervous enough that my takeoff was...well, let's just say it was interesting.
Of course there were two flights in desolate regions of the world where I didn't survive. I'm not certain how I'd like it if someone were watching. 😳
You worry too much =p It's really nothing.
As for starting, sign up with VATSIM (free registration). You will get a VATSIM ID and a password, both numerical (for example 123246 and 546754). Then download FSINN or Squawkbox 3 (I would recommend the former). Both links can be found on the VATSIM site.
Also get ServInfo from avsim.com (search for the name as I spelled it). This nifty little program will show you who is online where. Controllers, flights etc. Then go ahead and start a flight at a controlled airport (NOT on the active, but at a gate, remember that) and run FSINN, then connect (it's really easy). Sit there and listen to the traffic for a few sessions, see how you like it.
If you have specific questions, let us know 🙂
Here's my one little question about VATSIM: Do you have to connect to a multiplayer server? Or does FSINN/Squakbox take care of that?
Either takes care of it. FSINN has some interesting features, Squawkbox3 is less resource hungry.
BTW, If you just want to see what is going on on vatsim, get servinfo. You can see who is flying, flight details, which controllers are online and for which regions and you can even see things on a map of the world.
Bindolaf, thanks for the info.
By the way, I presume you need a microphone of some kind? I only have speakers, no mic, so can you recommend a mic to buy?
Is it possible to type a message to the tower? I'm a pretty fast typer so I could probably manage doing that for a while.
You can use text, yes. Actually, according to VATSIM rules, text is the primary medium of communication, not voice. This is to accomodate people who do not own or want to use microphones. Still, the experience is enhanced 1000% by use of voice. As for which one to use, just buy a decent set of headphones-with-microphone-attached. No need to spend too much. Try to avoid $3 mikes though heh =) Something decent, but not too expensive.
Thanks Bindolaf. I signed up and got the software. I'm running ServInfo now in fact and it seems really cool! I can see where all the real controllers are so if I want to fly online I'll probably fly to one of their airports.
Can you tell me from your experience what is the busiest time for VATSI in GMT? (i.e. the time when most controllers/pilots are online).
Also, do you need to file a flightplan with VATSIM just before you embark on each flight?
Thanks once more for all your help.
Also, do pilots use time compression on VATSIM (i.e. 4x 8x time etc.) or is that not allowed?
JTH wrote:
Also, do pilots use time compression on VATSIM (i.e. 4x 8x time etc.) or is that not allowed?
It can be allowed where there is usually no ATC coverage, i.e. over the Atlantic. But over highly populated areas such as KDEN, KJFK, ATC will not approve time compression under 10000 feet
Great. So do you know the busiest time (in GMT) to connect?
And do you have to file a flightplan at VATSIM.net before every flight (including VFR flights)?
Thanks once again.
1) Time compression is not allowed. Possible exception over the Atlantic, but even then, people disconnect, fly their route at 16x or whatever, then reconnect over the coast of Ireland (or wherever their exit point is). In general, if you want to use time compression disconnect then reconnect. Always fly 1x while on VATSIM.
2) Busiest time is usually evenings in each region. Meaning in Europe I'd say around 1800Z (6 pm GMT or so), USA around the same time but Eastern, Central, Mountain, Pacific as you move further west etc)
3) Yes, you need to submit a flight plan. I suppose if you're flying in uncontrolled space you don't *have* to, but it's good practice, not to mention it's fun for people to look you up on ServInfo and see where you're going and how instead of "No Flight Plan filed". That having been said, controllers will ask you for a FP if they don't see one, but will be willing to help, so don't worry. For VFR flights again, file a flight plan, but of course it can contain landmarks etc. (For example "Departure south, then over harbor, Ellis island, around the statue of liberty, north, approach from the west for landing" is an acceptable VFR flight plan. You can leave it blank, but a controller may ask "What are your intentions?" If that happens, answer )
Okay, I tried and failed. I was parked at KSBD logged onto vatsim and filed a VFR flight plan for my C337D to KVNY. A simple flight of 62 nm. As I sat there listening to Los Angeles Center handling traffic, mostly in and out of KLAX, I decided they were too busy as it was, and logged off.
I flew the flight offline with the built in ATC. I was still so nervous that when I heard my call sign, I almost panicked.
The worst part is that both KSBD and KVNY had no controllers online. All I had to do is request VFR clarance and fly. 🙄
Ok, LAX is not the best place to start, but still they would have handled your extra traffic fine =p It's good that you tried, keep it up. You're way too nervous, but I can understand it - I was too at first. It's really nothing!
I am a controller with ZLA. We control the airspace in and around Southern California. http://www.laartcc.org/
Los Angeles Center may seem intimidating, but you have to remember that we are all real people also. We make mistakes just like the pilots do. As long as follow our directions, you will get along fine.
If you ever feel like getting acquainted to VATSIM, you can give me an email at mstevens901@cox.net. Id be more than happy to staff one of the small GA airports in Southern California and get you used to VATSIM.
Also, If anyone else here would like to also get used to flying online we could make an event out of it. The other pilots wouldn't intimidate you because you would allready know them from the forums. Just send me an email and I will try to get something set up.
Okay, the third time was a charm...sort of. A couple of times, I chickened out after filing my flight plan. So I figured I'd go to KPSP and fly to KSBD since I know that valley like the back of my hand. A good thing, too. FS started crashing if I used the flight planner.
To make a long story short seems up to his ears in things to do and a couple of cranky pilots, to boot. So I type in my vfr request and get told to taxi to 31L which I finally find after 15 minuts. At this point the controller is giving notice he is shutting down in a couple of minutes. so, everybody is trying to get their requests in. Rather than fight my way in on voice, I type in my t/o request, which seems to get lost and he goes offline since his relief didn't come on line. With no controller I notify my intent and t/o. I fly by hand to KSBD and land safely. Okay. Not much, but it is a start. 🙄
I tried VATSIM myself today and must say it's really good.
One question - is pressing enter and typing into the "chat" dialog box the standard way to type text messages to ATC when you have no mic? Also, is there a keyboard command to close that box? I press enter to open it but I have to click X each time to close it.
And finally, is there anyway to get rid of the annoying Squakbox box that sits in the bottom right of your panal? It does practically nothing except get in the way of the instruments.
Thanks a lot in advance, JTH 🙂
You can slide the sqawkbox indicators out of the way. Just grab it by the right side and move it all the way left. It is much larger than necessary. The other window with the text entry box is used to communicate with the controllers if you have no microphone. Just make sure you've got your com1 (or 2) set to the proper frequencies. You will see the text reply in green below (and across the top of your screen).
I tried but failed - i loaded a flight from a gate at Gatwick - and i went to 'alt' then to modules and then Squwkbox 3 - i tried to connect to a server but it doesn't work.
Try the forums at squawkbox.ca. I'd try to help more, but I am going to be unavailable for a couple of hours.
Steve, do what I do and see if it works.
Run FS2004 and make your flight plan with Flight Planner or whatever. But before you choose "fly now", minimise FS and run Squakbox from your desktop. Click connect and log your flight plan. Then go back to FS and begin your flight. If everything goes according to plan, once the flight has begun you will be at your departure airport but in the world of VATSIM, not FS.
Does your mic switch work when you start it that way? The reason I ask is that every so often, SB# fails to show up in the Modules menu in FS.
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