ILS Approach Questions

Alex Moore Guest

i fly ILS approaches in the simulator just about everyday in a 777-300 or 737-300. I know that when you flare you lose sight of the runway because you tilt up 5 degrees or so. my problem is that when i fly the glidslope prefectly i cant see the runway to line up with it, i must depend only on my ILS instruments, even in VFR conditions. in other words, i cant see the horizon over the cockpit panel. is this how it is in real life or can you see the runway throughout the whole approach? also how often to real world pilots use the AP for landing?

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Pro Member Chief Captain
Jonathan (99jolegg) Chief Captain

Press SHIFT and then tap ENTER/RETURN to move your pilot seat higher so you can see over the panel. Pilots will normally use the approach part of the autopilot to around 500 fpm (depending on the airline) or may hand fly it but it depends on the airline and the pilot. It is the pilots choice. Some pilots don't use AP from take off all the way until 35000 feet, to practice their hand flying. Obviously in IFR conditions, it will be mandatory to use the AP.



thanks for the reply,

i often hit shift enter/backspace to change the view but i want my simulation experience to be as realistic as possible, so can real pilots see over the panel on approach?

Pro Member First Officer
Jamie Robson (Jamier) First Officer

i believe they can, and i think they adjust their seat heights to be able to.

Pro Member Chief Captain
tomthetank Chief Captain

Remember you are looking at a fixed 2D view of what the pilot would see,in his/her seat they can sit a bit more upright and shift about

Pro Member Captain
Bindolaf Captain

Very true.

I don't know about this statement:

Obviously in IFR conditions, it will be mandatory to use the AP.

I thought IFR rated (well obviously) pilots can hand fly in IFR conditions. Now I know companies have rules about AP, but I don't think the FAA does.

Pro Member Captain
Sean (SeanGa) Captain

change to virtual cockpit, and then use shift+enter/backspace. I believe this is the most realistic way

Don Wood Guest

Most aircraft see the runway for most of the approach but many aircraft cannot see it on short final as the flare raises the nose and cuts off straight ahead visibility. One of the techniques you learn as a pilot is to transition from looking down the runway to looking out the side to judge hieght and position on the runway as you are landing.

Some commercial companies may have rules regarding the use of autopilot, however, at least in the US, there is no legal requirement to use autopilot while IFR. In fact, my a/c is not equipped with autopilot and I fly IFR completely legally.

Pro Member Chief Captain
Jonathan (99jolegg) Chief Captain

Bindolaf wrote:

Obviously in IFR conditions, it will be mandatory to use the AP.

I thought IFR rated (well obviously) pilots can hand fly in IFR conditions. Now I know companies have rules about AP, but I don't think the FAA does.

Sorry, I wasn't being specific or clear at all Embarassed What I meant (but didn't actually say ) was that you have to use Autoland (the AP) in CAT III/II conditions. As far as I know, you can hand fly in all conditions (other than landing) but it rarely happens in big airliners


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