What are ai aircraft?

gerryb92 Guest

What exactly are AI aircraft and what are they're purposes???

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Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

AI=Artificial Intelligence.

They are the aircraft that are programmed to take off, fly and land on schedule to make FS9 look realistic. You wouldn't want to be up there all alone would you.

You can buy an add-on to populate your sim (I have Ultimate Traffic) or download and install a free program PAI and the sim comes to life.





Is FS9 the same as flight sim 2004? or at least can downloaded fs9 aircraft be used on fs 2004?

Pro Member Captain
jarred_01 Captain

Anonymous wrote:

Is FS9 the same as flight sim 2004? or at least can downloaded fs9 aircraft be used on fs 2004?

Yep, FS04 and FS9 are exactly the same thing.


if you dont have any add ons or anything already installed for fs9 are there opther aircraft up in the skies or is it just you until you get an add-on ❓ ❓ ❓

Pro Member Captain
jarred_01 Captain

There are already default AI aircraft on Flight Simulator, just make sure you turn the AI traffic settings up by clicking 'Settings' on the FS9 home screen, as I dont think they are turned on my default. 😉


thanks for the help ❗ 😎

Pro Member Captain
jarred_01 Captain

No probs, glad to help.

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