okay i've got 3 judges for this months contest Radarman Myself and Agus0404. This months scenario is dangerous situations This means a pic with your plane about to crash or something dangerous going on. Hopefully we will get some great screenies! Just post your pic in this post. Rm me and agus will all agree on 8 finalists. they will then be posted in the end of the month. The poll will run for about 4-5 days and close. Then we will have our champion Good luck guys! Also RM and Agus are allowed to post a pic and i will compare them with the other finalists and see if i should put them in the finals. you guys cannot vote to put yours in the finals but CAN vote for yours to win! Good luck once again! and remeber dangerous situations
I dont want to be judged by RadarMan...
😂 😂 😂 (im kidding of course)
The fact that im flying is itself dangerous so no pic from me 😂 ...If you want a video i have some.... 😉
Shall we give two weeks to prepare their screenshots? I think that's fair, and it's a lot of time. So March 24th would be the last day to upload the screenshots here.
Remember: Each participant can post only one screeenshot.
Let the Contest begin! 😀 And good luck to you all.
My entry.
May Day...May Day...Fire in the Hold!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok!!!contest closed. That was the best shot. 😂 😂 😂 No need to spend your time anymore.....
I was expecting something with a DC3 but probably its a sacrilege to do such a thing...right?... 😉
Great shot RadarMan. 👍
We have two now 😀 Come on guys! Don't be lazy 😉
The 737 was never meant to hover...
Crosswind landing somewhere in Mongolia.
An old shot of a long trip. 😉
Where's CT screenshot? I can't find it 😕
Agus0404 wrote:
Where's CT screenshot? I can't find it 😕
That's what I thought Agus, his entire post seems to have dissapeared. 😕
BTW, the American Pacific pic of the 737 hovering was stolen from the screenshot gallery, I remember seeing it in ther!. 😉
Hehe, just kidding. I hope it is his screenshot or otherwise....
does it have to be from FS2004 ?
Yes. Why?
Just wondered if something from IL2 was allowed as the rules didn't stipulate otherwise 🙂
That's right. We should include that rule too.
To make it fair to everyone, only FS2004 screenshots are allowed.
Come on Insight! Fire up your FS2004, choose your Spitfire, and you know what to do next, right? 😂
I would post mine but what size and resolution do you put your screenshots at?
I believe that something about 800 x 600 would be great. 😉
Wow some good shots coming here! Anyway i had to delete CT's post because the cessna he used was payware. i gave him one more chance because he hadn't seen the rules when he gave us his shot. He might have another one coming soon.
Oh, that's true. Well, I hope he posts another picture.
I admire your great sense of fair play Gents.
Agus0404 wrote:
That's right. We should include that rule too.
To make it fair to everyone, only FS2004 screenshots are allowed.
Come on Insight! Fire up your FS2004, choose your Spitfire, and you know what to do next, right? 😂
if I had a PC I could run it on at the moment 😞
long story I shall not go into for anger management reasons but yesterday I posted off my RAM (again... yes, i know) to be replaced with new and apparently compatible stuff...
So, looks like I will miss out on this contest, unless.... hmmm - nope, my Spitfire is payware anyway... doh
Looks like I can never enter then, I never fly anything else really 😞
So no payware aircraft? What about freeware?
SamIntel wrote:
So no payware aircraft? What about freeware?
No freeware either.
Hehe, just kidding. Freeware products are allowed. No payware.
So, looks like I will miss out on this contest, unless.... hmmm - nope, my Spitfire is payware anyway... doh
Yeah, I thought about that. Well, you have time until March 24th, anyway.
Looks like I can never enter then, I never fly anything else really
Haven't you flown the DC-3 before? I remember you were carrying some cargo and cookies 😛
Ok, I'm adding my screenshot.
First Officer: Captain, what was that noise?
Captain: Hmm, nothing to worry.
First Officer: I'm afraid we lost an engine. We are under attack!!
**First Officer on the PA** Landies and Gentlemen, I would like to tell all passengers seated on the left side of the airplane to take your hands out of the airplane and wait for my command.
(2 minutes later)
**First Officer on the PA** Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to tell all passengers seated on the right side of the airplane to take your hands out of the airplane. EVERYBODY NOW!! Start fluttering or we're going down!!!!
never mind
Jester, make sure you read the rules of this contest. This month's scenario is dangerous situations.
That Spitfire is payware.
One last thing, only one screenshot is allowed.
I don't want to be mean to you. I love your screenshots, really, but in this contest we have some rules.
Is this dangerous enough?
Sorry for it having to be so big, it's the only way I could get it to turn out clear.
CRJCapt, I have seen that last shot in the main Screenshot Gallery before...where you the one who took it?
Heres's my shot by the way:
Nothing special though, just an old pic of a crap freeware a380 with the same flight dynamics as a c172 🙄
It sux that there is a no-payware rule, prehaps someone should start up a monthly competition with the only rule being that the plane/scenery MUST be payware?
Yes, that's mine. I put it in the screenshot gallery a while back. 🙂
cheekytrolly wrote:
It sux that there is a no-payware rule, prehaps someone should start up a monthly competition with the only rule being that the plane/scenery MUST be payware?
Ok, I'm gonna discuss it with Fkyboy92.
Agus0404 wrote:
Ok, I'm adding my screenshot.
Eep, FWIW, no twin-engine aircraft has ever survived an inflight engine reversal...no three-engine(or more) aircraft has ever crashed due to one.
Engine #3 was also hit by a ground shot
Pre-paring to land after losing both engines while I was in flight.
Care for a ride?
I want to remind everyone that this friday 24th will be the last day to upload screenshots. So if you didn't do it yet, what are you waiting for?
Good luck to all! 😀
cheekytrolly wrote:
It sux that there is a no-payware rule, prehaps someone should start up a monthly competition with the only rule being that the plane/scenery MUST be payware?
I totally agree with CT as 95% of the scenery I use is Payware 😂 😂
Ok ok, you will be able to use payware products the next contest.
PanAmerican, your picture does not seem to show up??? what happened? and also all contestants need to send me the url's to their pics so i can create the poll!! THANKS
Flyboy, you can right click every picture and choose Properties. Then you can look at the URL of that picture.
RadarMan wrote:
My entry.
May Day...May Day...Fire in the Hold!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I believe the saying is "fire in the hull"
oh damn man, I need to hurry, wait for this afternoon, I'll shoot something, no worries! 🙂
You still have time, Sico2. But don't wait until the last moment.
you all can have my wisdom 🤔
na i dont think i can share any of it. i wish i could compete because i would love to wipe you all away....na im just joking but im afraid i dont do screenshots i only fly for fun not cometition.
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