Airport name??

Ryan F. Guest

Every since I got FS2004, I see "November 17" under the airport names list (I believe it's in Africa somewhere). The first time I saw this I could not believe it. It's just such an incredible coincidence that this is also happens to be my birthday, lol.

Does anyone know the story behind that name? Why would an airport be named after a date? (lol, maybe it's named for me because it's my birthday 😂 )

(I'm Irish, I shall be celebrating all day 😀)

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Tailhook Chief Captain

Ryan F. wrote:

Every since I got FS2004, I see "November 17" under the airport names list (I believe it's in Africa somewhere).

Does anyone know the story behind that name? Why would an airport be named after a date?

I was unable to find that airport in FS. If you find the country, the info regarding the name shouldn't be too hard to find.

In many 'developing' countries airports, streets, places etc. are named after the date of independence or a revolution or the rise or fall of a dictator and similar important occurances.

Ryan F. Guest

Yes, I had figured it was something like that, I am just still amazed that of all dates an airport would be named.. it's my birthday. lol.. I hope I'm not the only one to find that really coincidental. 😂

Pro Member Chief Captain
CRJCapt Chief Captain

17th Of November (FNBG) Benguela, Angola 🙂

Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

Have you ever thought of the possibility that rather than this being a coincidence - your parents, the Gods or whoever was responsible - decided to place you on this beautiful planet on 17 November because of the existence/name of that airport?
Idea 😀

Ryan F. Guest

Perhaps! God knew I was gonna be a nut about aviation.. 😂


nov. 17 i also my birthday lol 😀

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