i finely got the full game and i was happy!!!...but as i had my first flight and i linedup on the rwy and i was on takeoff,then the fsp saying not autherwized plz buy the full game. and that happened to me twice during taxiway too help!!! or plz guys give me a username or code its the 5th time i am aksing and having problems help vova_rigenco_2@hotmail.com
The FSPassengers site has forums to deal with such problems.
I really hope no one gives you there registration code.
tiger7881 wrote:
i finely got the full game and i was happy!!!...but as i had my first flight and i linedup on the rwy and i was on takeoff,then the fsp saying not autherwized plz buy the full game. and that happened to me twice during taxiway too help!!! or plz guys give me a username or code its the 5th time i am aksing and having problems help vova_rigenco_2@hotmail.com
Dear tiger7881 can you please make clear if you have ever buy FSPax or not.
If yes the link that TTT kindly suggests you to another post will helps you.
i know what causes this..... dont use a crack for it- trust me
Greekman72 wrote:
Dear tiger7881 can you please make clear if you have ever buy FSPax or not.
If yes the link that TTT kindly suggests you to another post will helps you.
He says in the first line that he has got a full version of it. If you have actually bought the product legitimately then go to www.fspassengers.com and email someone about your problem. I had a similar problem and got it sorted within a few days. If its downloaded and you are using a crack, then I don't know what to suggest 😉
I show it Jon but i thought that he was reffering to FS.My mistake and thank for notice it to me.
99jolegg wrote:
If its downloaded and you are using a crack, then I don't know what to suggest 😉
How about try paying for it??
kianok wrote:
How about try paying for it??
Well yes, that would seem sensible, but we've been there many times 🙄
I'd be amazed it he actually paid for it.
If he didn't pay for it, I am really happy to see that no one is aiding in piracy.
i know this problem - i had been playing with the windows folder so it knackred it in whatever way. i had to re-install the demo.
for a minute though i thought i had it, which made me giggley and excited 😳
but yes, you can't crack it. so buy it.
p.s. even i haven't bothered trying. and i'm a geek.
I am not going to pay for it 2 times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! guys plz help me i am not gonna show it to all just give me thats it plz guys plz!!
If you did actually buy it legitimately then your best off doing as suggested above. Go to www.fspassengers.com and either email someone about your problem or post a message in the forums their, and make sure you say specifically that you have bought the game and can provide proof of purchase (don't actually provide it in the forums). At that point, someone should be able to help you.
You can alternatively reply to the confirmation email that you receive when you initially buy FsP and explain you have a problem.
One thing not to do is ask in the forums if you didn't buy it legitimately. Its a simple problem that should be easy to fix 😉
tiger7881 wrote:
I am not going to pay for it 2 times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! guys plz help me i am not gonna show it to all just give me thats it plz guys plz!!
Have you contacted FS passengers yet??
If you have paid for it and it's a registration problem then they are the only people who can help you.
Asking for someone to provide you with their key details is not an option.... or fair.
Anyone else notice the amusing "pistoff" in the subject line (instead off pissed off). At least I found it amusing... Although someone with as bad spelling as I shouldn't really be making fun of someone else's spelling mistakes... 😂 😂
and are they old enough for a credit card?
simply, if i were to look at the use of language (whoops i am..), then i'm certainly not convinced you bought it.
He wouldn't say he bought it if he didn't! [/u]
azabro wrote:
He wouldn't say he bought it if he didn't!
I have a bridge in Brooklyn that I can sell you for a really good price.
Nothing said in this thread is really evidience one way or the other.
Had his original post said, "I bought it, but it still indicates I didn't", instead of asking for ways to defeat the program's protection feature or asking where he could get support from FSP's developers to solve the problem, I'd be more inclined to believe him.
The first reply was mine, suggesting he go to the FSP forums. He ignored that and pressed for another solution. I may wander over to the FSP forums and see if anyone has brought the matter up (before the timestamp of this post).
I have a bridge in Brooklyn that I can sell you for a really good price.
If its fresh painted i can start a deal with you... 😂 😂 😂
There is one post by someone calling himself, "tunnelrat", but I don't think that is the same person because the manner in which those posts are written, is considerably different.
Greekman72 wrote:
I have a bridge in Brooklyn that I can sell you for a really good price.
If its fresh painted i can start a deal with you... 😂 😂 😂
What color would you like? 😉
LooooooL 😂 😂 😂
You can guess 😉
CrashGordon wrote:
There is one post by someone calling himself, "tunnelrat", but I don't think that is the same person because the manner in which those posts are written, is considerably different.
If It's not the same poster and he has paid for it then should a least solve him problem.
I would love to have that add on but i live uo north and dont use credit cards.Is there any other way i could get this add on and send a money order or something
starfoxfalcon wrote:
I would love to have that add on but i live uo north and dont use credit cards.Is there any other way i could get this add on and send a money order or something
Fill out the contact box asking them the same question and see if they'll accept another form of payment.
i jst also emailed about a CD version of this for UK lol
Death to the (By :radar🙂 that dont pay for their software
so if u did find a user name can you e-mail it to langstonwf2@aim.com thanks
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