do you have the dreamfleet baron?

do you have the dreamfleet baron?
 28%  [ 4 ]
 71%  [ 10 ]
Total Votes : 14
Pro Member Trainee
Ben (eagle3) Trainee

just wondering.

Answers 5 Answers

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Pro Member First Officer
Ryan Finn (pilotguy44) First Officer

this is sort of an odd poll topic.. lol 😂

anyways.. i answered no

Pro Member Chief Captain
Jonathan (99jolegg) Chief Captain

No I don't have it - but I recently bought a Cessna addon if thats of any use... Horse

Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

No I don't have it. I'm a speed freak 😀

Pro Member Captain
Jared Captain

I have it. To me it is the best GA airplane for FS. I can't wait until they release their trio or Pipers.

Pro Member Chief Captain
Solotwo Chief Captain

I have it, love it, even though I'm not into GA aircraft, I just need to figure out some good air taxi routes to use it on. I got the Reality XP version which is great, lovely avionics, just wish every gauge from reality didn't cost almost 30 bucks otherwise all my planes would be running them.

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