Scanned in Wingview Photos

Chief Captain
ceetee Chief Captain

I have recently downloaded the "CanarySim" scenery addon and today I was having a look through some old family photo albums and found these pictures below which I have scanned in:

Both pictures where taken onboard a "Lesuire Air" (Now KLM UK) Airbus a320/a319. The first one is taken over this island of Fueteventura, the second over the island of Lazourote. (Properly inccorect spellings)


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Pro Member Chief Captain
Jonathan (99jolegg) Chief Captain

Nice pics 👍 The approach into Lanzarote was one I won't forget; the ground looks like the surface of an asteroid or meteor - very interesting 👍

Pro Member Chief Captain
pilotwannabe Chief Captain

Nice pics 😉

Chief Captain
ceetee Chief Captain

How ironic that I posted these pictures the same day that SeanGa posted his Canary Island photo report ( !

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