Mayday call

Pro Member Chief Captain
hms_endeavour Chief Captain

hey guys,
Can anybody send or find me and mayday call from a plane and the atc controller's answers that I can listen to or download?I need it for a vid and I couldn't find any.

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Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain
Madbrit Guest

And this. Poor guy is really in a panic.

Pro Member Chief Captain
hms_endeavour Chief Captain

Nice,I might use the second one,rm,the first is cool but it's more of an alarm.I need a pilot/atc emergency dialog.Post more links if you find some,guys! 😀 thanks.

Pro Member First Officer
Jamie Robson (Jamier) First Officer

man, that guy sounds really really panicky!

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

Madbrit, that is amazing!


Pro Member Chief Captain
Jonathan (99jolegg) Chief Captain

Interesting sites Madbrit - especially the first one.


Pro Member Chief Captain
hms_endeavour Chief Captain

Interesting sites!I'll use the first one though for the vid though.I just need a audio dialog between atc and pilot of a small private plane. 😉 Thanks

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