some very poor jokes

Pro Member Chief Captain
hinch Chief Captain

since there is a terrible joke below, have some of mine:

what do you call a man with paper trousers?



what has 2 legs and bleeds a lot?

half a cat


k, that's enough 😛

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Pro Member First Officer
alohajoe First Officer

ROFL 👍 Very original!!!

what has 2 legs and bleeds a lot?

half a cat


Dont Know i don't get it ❓ ❓

Pro Member Chief Captain
pilotwannabe Chief Captain

😂 😂 😂

Why donĀ“t you see Penguins in Britain?

..... Because they're afraid of Wales.

😀 😀 😀

Pro Member First Officer
Ryan Finn (pilotguy44) First Officer

lol.. those are so corny, but that's what makes them funny, lol 😂

i got one of my own originals..

Did you hear about the elevator that was doing a good job? got a raise.

lol.. i have too much time on my hands. 😂
(literally.... i have a handful of clocks! :rofl🙂

okay okay.. i'm done 😎

Pro Member Captain
Sean (SeanGa) Captain

pilotguy44 wrote:

lol.. those are so corny, but that's what makes them funny, lol 😂

i got one of my own originals..

Did you hear about the elevator that was doing a good job? got a raise.

lol.. i have too much time on my hands. 😂
(literally.... i have a handful of clocks! :rofl🙂

okay okay.. i'm done 😎

hahahhaaha man you need to seek professional help -_-

Pro Member Captain
Jared Captain

Heres one that I heard.

Where does a book sleep?

Under its covers.

Pro Member Chief Captain
Jake (JarJarBinks) Chief Captain

now this is not a joke but it explains some things......

a calculator is only as smart as the one using it. ROFL

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