cant load add on scenery

Pro Member Trainee
singout Trainee

hi,i can add new planes but can seem to get any new sceanary to wrork.when i go to add on's no choices are showing evean after i have ectracted them to the add on folder.any ideas are welcome,thanks you.

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Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

Here are the directions from "Honolulu", substitute the name of your scenery for it.
Since this is your first time you should print out the directions and follow them very closely.
That's the way I leaned to do it. Read


1. Extract the zip into a temporary folder, and then move it to "Add On Scenery".

2. Start up FS2004 and when the welcome screen, or initial menu comes on, select settings, then click on Scenery Library, and Add Area. Find the Addon Scenery folder and open it, then find the HonoluluV5 folder and click on it. The name HonoluluV5 should now appear in the title window, then click OK. Then you will see HonoluluV5 at the top of your scenery library list, and click the OK tab at the bottom.

3. That's it! You must first exit FS2004, and when you restart it your scenery will be there. It is not necessary to use the Addon Scenery option to locate this scenery, simply go to the airport in FS.


Pro Member Trainee
singout Trainee

thanks for the help.I tried but i still dont see em,. 😉

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain
Pro Member First Officer
jelami First Officer

Everyday there are posts here about plane and scenery add ons, and the problems people are having Wall Bashing even after the folks here held my hand Help! , walked me through the process Read , and I actually got it Yes . I ran across this, tried it and ended up buying it.
So, if you don't mind spending a few bucks, Add-it pro is a good investment. You can get the demo here.
It puts everything right where it needs to be, warns you if you are about to overwrite something that you may want. It saves all the readme and misc. other files in a storage folder.
And best of all, it unistalls all those less than desireable planes and scenery files cleanly. Just select that plane with the square wheels and no panel and hit remove.

Sorry, did not mean to sound like an advertisement, but i like it. 😀

Pro Member Trainee
singout Trainee

ok i got it working thank you all.ill look the add er prog as well,happy fkights 😂

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