Hello again dear members,
As the title says : "The music download on my site has been disabled". That's the bad news. On my bandpage, just read the "news" section and you will hopefully understand I had no choice 😞
Meanwhile you wonder : "How will we get USS Nimitz downloaded ?
I also have another less known website :
And from there you can download it with the same quality.
Tomorrow evening before midnight GMT I will also cut all the downloads of that site.
Since many of you do possess my music you can easily share what you already have via e-mail exchange !
I'm very sorry for this news. I'll keep you informed and don't panic : You can still download this evening and tomorrow ! Make sure you have all my tracks and you will be safe ! So it's not that bad ...
Kind regards,
Cheers for the heads up Yoyoman
thats bad news
I hope you are back up and running very soon
davidmac1 wrote:
thats bad news
I hope you are back up and running very soon
Me too
Even without your downloads we like you and we all glad to see you around dear yoyoman. ❗ ❗ ❗
Im sure that your problems will soon going to be solved. ❗
@ Liono, Greekman, Davidmac1, PilotWannabe, Greekman72,
All this happened so fast that I need some time to see things more clearly.
It all started when I sent this morning as a gift, the "USS Nimitz" track in wav format to one of my very close friends in the field of composing. For privacy reasons I'll hide a part of his mail but this is what he replied to me :
I consider it a blessing that you trust me enough to give me a copy of "USS Nimitz". As your friend and fellow artist, I don't think you should allow this fantastic track to be downloaded. Personally, I'm tired of pouring all of my energy and time into tracks just to give them away on soundclick for free. "XXXXX" will not be made possible for download, but if you want a copy; I will send one to you my friend(I doubt I'll send a copy to anyone else, the track means that much to me). Plus you'll notice (when you get a chance to listen to "XXXX") that I put my name(XXXX) in the track near the end. I did this because I heard a rumor that people are stealing other people tracks off of soundclick. Wither or not you have the mp3 disabled. So, I'm going to start putting my name some were in my tracks from now on out. I suggest you do the same my friend, because I would hate to see someone tring to lay claim to "USS Nimitz". Once again, I consider this a blessing that you put this much trust in me Bruno. Thank you.
Now you will perhaps understand why I need to sort things out and this is why I disabled the downloads.
A honest and more selfish idea that crosses my mind more and more now that I am approaching the deadline of my CD production, is that I might perhaps reconsider my first idea to make all my track available for download while selling the compilation CD. You wouldn't find any artist doing this. I am aware that I worked hard to compose those tracks. I'm afraid that I fully agree with what my friend said :
"Personally, I'm tired of pouring all of my energy and time into tracks just to give them away on soundclick for free"
Well, my humble opinion is that I will never regret that my tracks were downloaded thousands of times and especially when people like you download them I'd even offer a beer as a bonus !
But once my CD will be available to buy, I will never be able to cover my expenses of professional equipment and aviation sounds if I keep my tracks available for download as I did before.
Feel free to comment on what I said and to agree or disagree. I just told you my honest thoughts, of course influenced by my friend's mail this morning who knows very well what he is talking about ! That mail did put me in a more defensive attitude.
Thanks again for your support, God bless you all !
you are very right to do it. To be honest I was supprised that you did allow free downloads of your music at all becuase the quality of them is so great! I hope you will continue to make great music and i will be happy to pay for it 😉
Your work has to be paid .I agree with your thoughts and your decission.
Count me as one of your first customers for your CD. 👍
Me too....i'd be willing to pay 👍
Thanks DavidMac1, Greekman72, and PilotWannabe !
Meanwhile I got in touch with other artists and my friend who sent me that mail yesterday morning and all of them would have done the same thing ! I felt a little guilty (!) because I had a feeling I'm taking back what I gave but this is not entirely true : All my mp3s you are able to listen to, still are on your pc right 😀
My tracks were available for download almost 3 years. All of them. And I am extemely glad I did so !
Anyway, the support here is the most incredible I know
I also get such huge support from other composers but you aren't composers but fly simulator freaks and you could just download in silence as thousand of people did in the past without ever thinking of talking to me, even after having visited me tons of times !
It realy makes me blush !
Very shortly I'll start another project but in the fall of 2006 I start my most huge project I have ever made since the day I started to compose. I won't say more. Of course, aviation music !
I wish you all a bright day my friends, you are the best !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
P.S. Make sure that you also download my video's today if you are interested at http://www.projectoverseer.biz/music/bands/48/
I will delay the download stop a few hours more and it will be tomorrow morning 21/6 around 07:00 am GMT instead of today 20/6 around 00:00 GMT
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