Boeing 777 defult


Why when I turn left on my B777 dufult plane on MFS04 (while taxing) it does not turn is there any way i could fix this

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Pro Member Chief Captain
CRJCapt Chief Captain

You have to use the rudder pedals (rudder) to turn on the ground. If you have pedals, check assignments. If you're using a joy stick with twist function, check assignments. If you're using a joystick without twist function, make sure that Auto Rudder is selected in the controller settings. If you are using the keyboard, buy a joy stick because that's way too hard. Select Auto Rudder, should turn with the aileron command. If it still won't turn left, check for conflicts in the assignment menu. Could be a broken joy stick contact or switch, check with another controller. If using a joy stick, check to see if it turns with key commands. (Auto rudder-Off).🙂

Rudder Yaw Left NP 0
Rudder Yaw Right NP Enter


Thanks for the help i have a flight in that plane tonight. 😀

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