I just bought MS Flight simulator and It wont play.

Pro Member Trainee
Bledrix Trainee

I have bought Ms Flight simulator 2004 and everytime i try to play the game it Goes to the desktop not even playing the game. Can anyone please help me? My computer specs are

2 GHz
512mb Ram
Geforce 4 Mx 4000.

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Pro Member Chief Captain
Greekman72 Chief Captain

Your system is enough but not the best you can have for FS.Although it has to run FS.
More memory and a newer GFX could make things better for you.
Check if you have some programs running on background that probably spend some power sources.This utility can helps you ➡

FSAutoStart ➡

Let us know and...Welcome to Fly Away. 😉

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

Also are you using IE beta 7?


Pro Member Trainee
Bledrix Trainee

Greekman72 wrote:

Your system is enough but not the best you can have for FS.Although it has to run FS.
More memory and a newer GFX could make things better for you.
Check if you have some programs running on background that probably spend some power sources.This utility can helps you ➡

FSAutoStart ➡

Let us know and...Welcome to Fly Away. 😉

It doesnt work still. It does the same thing. I Ran MS Flight Sim 2004 before on this computer and it ran perfectly. I think its my crappy computer. Some times it doesnt even turn on.

Pro Member Trainee
Bledrix Trainee

RadarMan wrote:

Also are you using IE beta 7?


IM using Mozilla Firefox but i have internet explorer 7 installed.

Pro Member Trainee
Bledrix Trainee

Ok i just uninstalled IE beta 7 and it is now working! Thanks for saying something about IE Beta 7.

Pro Member Chief Captain
Greekman72 Chief Captain

What can i say... Dont Know Try to take care of it.Clean the unnecessary programs,run a good spyware,defrag your H/D or maybe Format it and try to keep it light and clear.
Also a dust cleaning of your motherboard cpu and heatshink would be good too.

Pro Member Chief Captain
Greekman72 Chief Captain

Bledrix wrote:

Ok i just uninstalled IE beta 7 and it is now working! Thanks for saying something about IE Beta 7.

Seems we post same time.I dont see that you are OK.Glad you did it.Although keep on your mind what i suggest you. 😉

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