How else can I purchase PMDG products?

Pro Member First Officer
Mohit (Mc_GaNgStA) First Officer

I have recently bought a PMDG product, the B1900C and B1900D, and I want to buy the 737-NG, but the department store where I go to hasn't got it. I don't like the idea of purchasing goods over the Internet, as I don't feel to secure about it or have my own credit card or bank account. I was thinking of asking that store to order it for me, but how do they get it for me?? I mean to say, what detail do I need to give them, I can't just say "A FS 2004 add-on called 737-NG". Is there any thing or key I need to give them? Like in a book store when we need a book we give them the ISBN number. How is it done here?

Apart from that I want to buy the Boeing 747-400 "Queen of the skies".


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Pro Member Chief Captain
CrashGordon Chief Captain

If you have a reasonably fast connection, you can download them from the PMDG site.

Pro Member First Officer
Mohit (Mc_GaNgStA) First Officer

I think you misunderstood. What I mean to say is that I don't want to buy the products off the Internet. How else can I get them? Like if I go to a computer store and ask if they can order that for me, what detail/s should I give? I have a 1Mb connection.

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

Where do you live. If you are in the US Fry's ( has a good selection.
You could also write to the main website and ask where you can buy it at a brick and mortar store.


Pro Member First Officer
Mohit (Mc_GaNgStA) First Officer

I live in Spain, Málaga. Can I get it somewhere here?

spuddi Guest

the CD boxed version is published by aerosoft. you could email them at, or and ask them for local shops that they supply to. You could phone them up and try order over the phone.
Or you could ask your local shop to order it quoting aerosoft as the publisher.
note that they do the 737 NG 600/700 and also the follow up 737 ng 800/900 they do spanish versions of both if you want that.

Pro Member First Officer
Mohit (Mc_GaNgStA) First Officer

Ok, I just sent them an e-mai about where they can supply the PMDG 737 NG 600/700 and PMDG 747-400 around where I live. I'm awaiting their reply. Hopefully it shouldn't be far from where I live. Thanks for the information spuddi.

Pro Member First Officer
Mohit (Mc_GaNgStA) First Officer

And I've had no luck 😞. The shop doesn't want to purchase it from Aerosoft coz they don't have contact with them. I've tried another website let's see if they can give me a shop nearby where I can buy it.

spuddi Guest

you could try to contact they might let you pay over the phone. (they do charge a 6.50euro charge to ship to spain). they look fairly reputable so you should be able to trust them. Maybe take out a new credit card and then pay for it on that then. as soon as it all goes through pay the card off and cancel it so there is no chance of any fraud.

Pro Member First Officer
Mohit (Mc_GaNgStA) First Officer

I was considering that method. I'm so confused what to do now. I'll just have to wait until the department store near me happens to get it. I'll keep trying, and will ask if they can order it for me.

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