JeppView Charts - 3 People

Mustapha_wanqe Guest


I just got Jeppesen JeppView specifically for Flight Sim 04' and I believe the serial key lasts for 3 or 5 goes.

But because you guys have helped me out a lot recently I thought I'd share the serial code for JeppView with 3 different people from this site.

This version of JeppView covers the entire world. Yes, every airport with every chart of everything (App/Dep, Airport Diagram, Noise Abatement).

I know it was designed for real life use but it works for the sim' great.

Heck it should do, it cost me $6450USD.

First replies and I'll give you the serial key.

Thanks guys,

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Mustapha_wanqe, Is this a wind up. I don't think any members will be replying. Its the little matter of HIGHLY ILLIGAL software piracy. Forums ban for this kind of thing ❗

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CRJCapt Chief Captain

Nope Rules

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