Three big cheers for Scotland Yard.
I just hope this time the 'security' agencies and the Met Police have got it right after the last 2 'anti terrorist' fiascos they were responsible for with the death and arrest of innocents.
I just saw the report on this on BBC news! I am so glad we have a good police force and security services. Must be havoc up in Heathrow right now! I am just so glad they caught them. 9 aircraft they planned to bomb. 9! A disaster of epic proportions.
I just saw - its been on most channels for the past few hours.
Apparently, 3 of the 10 targeted aircraft were American Airlines, Continental and United Airlines, all flying to America.
Nice to see MI5 doing their job.
Yes, MI5 is to be commended. I'm just glad I don't have to travel, today. You would not believe the lines at KLAX,
KLAX! Practically every airport in Britain has been closed or is suffering major delays!
The story doesn't sound right. It said that they would use liquid explosives in carry on bags. I don't know of any liquid explosives(In an amount that you could carry) that could bring down a aircraft. I think that the terrorist were trying to figure out how to do it when they were caught. I don't think it was a creditable plan. I'm glad that the authorities were on there toes but plan wouldn't have worked. Now the industry has lost their minds and set forth the following restrictions to carry on bags:
(From the TSA website) NO LIQUIDS OR GELS OF ANY KIND WILL BE PERMITTED IN CARRY-ON BAGGAGE. ITEMS MUST BE IN CHECKED BAGGAGE. This includes all beverages, shampoo, suntan lotion, creams, tooth paste, hair gel, and other items of similar consistency. No aftershave, mouthwash or perfume.
The world has gone mad! Most may say " Anything for safety", no there is a limit to everything. If you're afraid that toothpaste will explode then stop all flying. You are too afraid. Fact is, you can't be afraid of everything. What's next, we strip search all passenger before every flight? There is a limit.
CRJCapt wrote:
The story doesn't sound right. It said that they would use liquid explosives in carry on bags. I don't know of any liquid explosives(In an amount that you could carry) that could bring down a aircraft. I think that the terrorist were trying to figure out how to do it when they were caught. I don't think it was a creditable plan. I'm glad that the authorities were on there toes but plan wouldn't have worked. Now the industry has lost their minds and set forth the following restrictions to carry on bags:
(From the TSA website) NO LIQUIDS OR GELS OF ANY KIND WILL BE PERMITTED IN CARRY-ON BAGGAGE. ITEMS MUST BE IN CHECKED BAGGAGE. This includes all beverages, shampoo, suntan lotion, creams, tooth paste, hair gel, and other items of similar consistency. No aftershave, mouthwash or perfume.
The world has gone mad! Most may say " Anything for safety", no there is a limit to everything. If you're afraid that toothpaste will explode then stop all flying. You are too afraid. Fact is, you can't be afraid of everything. What's next, we strip search all passenger before every flight? There is a limit.
I'm not an explosives expert but I don't really think they'd unnecessarily panic people. If experts believe a litre or two of liquid explosive can bring down an aicraft that I'm inclined to believe them. If that is true, then I don't have a problem with liquids being banned in hand luggage. Why they've banned absolutely all hand luggage I don't know - even books, newspapers, magazines, MP3 players, mobile phones and laptops are banned and must be packed in luggage that goes in the hold. You are also not allowed anything in your pockets. Travel documents and the other few allowed items must be carried in a transparent bag.
You can create explosives by mixing certain liquid compounds together. They do not have to be very potent explosives to cause explosive decompression at cruise altitude. The liquids could be carried in mouthwash bottles or other innocuous looking containers like coffee cups, etc.
All someone would have to do is carry a small bag into a lavatory on the plane, mix the chemicals and...boom.
That's the point, anything can be dangerous. You can kill someone with a pen filled with poison, a belt or a shoe lace. I do believe that they have gone off the deep end. If they are that afraid, stop all flying because you can never be 100% safe. One liter of liquid will not explode without a detonator. (There's nitroglycerin but it's so unstable that you wouldn't even make it to the airport). The detonator would be detected by the x-ray machine. You can't even have a lighter(just matches). You may burn the liquid but you won't get it to explode. Even if you could get a liter of fluid to explode, fine, stop one liter bottles not toothpaste. An explosive decompression(window or hole) won't bring down an aircraft. Years ago a 737 lost a large section to the top of the aircraft due to metal fatigue, it still made a safe landing. I don't trust the so called experts, I don't think they know what they are doing. These are not security measures, it's panic. Anyone can say stop all____. True security measure select things that truly work and make sense. It's like saying because man shoots 10 people at store with shotgun, stop selling shotguns. They don't know what to do so the err on the conservative side. When is enough, enough. What if the experts said you had to strip before every flight, wear a motorcycle helmet for safety and handcuffed you to your seat so that you couldn't take over the plane? Where do you draw the line?
I'm done ranting. Crashgordon is sensitive about text type, Karlw is sensitive about spam and I'm sensitive about this. Back to flight sim. 🙂
The police arrested 21 people who were planning to explode bombs in mid air. They were to each carry small amounts and then to join it together in the air.
NakedAirlines the only way to fly.
Many thanks to the extremely efficient British authorities!
They're telling us here to arrive 3 hours early for domestic flights and 4 hours for international flights, the transportation system has gone to h*** in a handbag.
I can see small charter (expensive for short business flights) being the alternative.
CRJCapt wrote:
The detonator would be detected by the x-ray machine. You can't even have a lighter(just matches). You may burn the liquid but you won't get it to explode. Even if you could get a liter of fluid to explode, fine, stop one liter bottles not toothpaste. An explosive decompression(window or hole) won't bring down an aircraft. Years ago a 737 lost a large section to the top of the aircraft due to metal fatigue, it still made a safe landing.
I must disagree with you on a couple points here, CRJCapt. Detonators can be made out of cell phones and any other number of unassuming electrical devices. We are dealing with people who are devoting all their time and resources to new and novel ways of destruction, trying to stay one step ahead. As for explosive decompression being a minor inconvience to flight - maby you would like to try it, but I sure wouldn't.
Not trying to start an argument here, just my opinion. 😉
RadarMan wrote:
NakedAirlines the only way to fly.
I don't think I'd care to see most people naked. 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄
he means no clothes= no hidden items etc.
I knew what he meant. I still don't want to see most people naked. 😂 😂 😂 😂
I have been in Scotland for 11 days and on my way back today I was early for the Ferry crossing to Belfast so me and my dad stoped at Glasgow Prestwick to do some spotting I was happy to see a 747-400 Atlas Air ready to depart but after sitting near the runway behind the 2 massive fences there the police came in a matter of 2 minutes and told me and all other spottters there to move but i didnt have any idea about what was going on down at Heathrow. I was very supriced to see that 6 policemen that showed up for only a few spotters. All this spreads a lot of fear among everyone and apparently Bush and Blair new about the attakcs in advanced that what it said on Sky news.
This may be of interest to many of you: Link ->--->>Wikipedia
I found that this covered all the details.
Nick 😀
Bring back good old policing. The kind when Jack Meadows from the Bill had long hair.
Jamie4590 wrote:
Bring back good old policing. The kind when Jack Meadows from the Bill had long hair.
😂 Thats a loooong time ago 😉
Sorry complete edit, too political.
lenin wrote:
I am so glad we have a good police force and security services.
Tell that to the family of that poor Brazillian bloke that got "Capped" for just wearing a rucksack. 🙄
The police & security services were not so good then, were they?
Here we go--My thoughts..
You do not need a large quantity of materials to make explosives. In fact you do not really need to make an explosive period.
How about Red phosphorus--out of water it ignites at a high temp-hot enough to melt aliminum, window panes-etc..that equals explosive decompression, at the right height, it is enough to end the flight.
Fact is IF--IF there were these terrorists, and IF all is true, then the authorities did an outstanding job.
3 line edit by
XXXXXXXXXXXEdit XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, what a brilliant idea--Stopping a mass siucide/killing/destruction of airliners. By claiming to have foiled such a plot--XXXXXXXXXXEdit
Sad to say it, but I rather think it was all coooked up By
, and without an aircraft or two destroyed mid-flight, I have to believe it was made up.
Capt. Dennison
Edits too political.
I detest censorship, fact is nothing bad was posted, but I guess you cant say anything bad about Bush or Blair in here.....As I said censorship sucks--so much for freedom of speech!!!!!!!!
Please--next time Radar--dont edit my post--just delete it--!!!!!!
I agree with you. check out
I already made simular stuff. Just add some Glycerin to some... and BAF you've got an extremely high temperatue flame, self ignited, with a small explosion.
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