PMDG Approach -- What went wrong?

Pro Member Captain
Kareem El-Sadi (crosscheck9) Captain

Hello all,
Recently, I've been working on perfecting my flight in the PMDG 737NG, however I've encountered a probelm which I don't know how to overcome. When I'm at loc altitude, below 180kts, I engage APP, and it switches on until it gets me on the right decent path, but then it switches off, and I can't switch it back on again. Why is this? I have the Nav1/Nav2 tuned to the correct frequency, and I did activitate CMD2. Thanks for your replies in advance 😉

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Pro Member Chief Captain
pilotwannabe Chief Captain

Once you have captured the localizer and are "established" it has done its job and therefore switches off. You should then see the "Glidescope" engage and this will descend you to the runway 😉

.....I think 🙄

Pro Member Captain
Kareem El-Sadi (crosscheck9) Captain

hmm...Well, thats exactly what happened, but lets say there's wind, or any other external factor. The whole idea of APP is no longer plausible. I was told by someone that I'm supposed to enage VOR LOC, and APP, then CMD2, but the system won't allow me to do so. How am I supposed to go about doing this?

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