Decent Payware of Freeware B-52

Jamie4590 Guest

Is there any decent B52 freeware/payware anyone can reccommend?

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Pro Member Chief Captain
CRJCapt Chief Captain

Jamie4590 wrote:

Is there any decent B52 freeware/payware anyone can reccommend?

I don't have it but look at this one.

Jamie4590 Guest

Thanks for the link. 👍

I want one! ❤️

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

WOW! That is beautiful!!


Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

This freeware by Yaetsu Yoshimitsu / Hiroaki Kubota is pretty good, you could try it until you decide.

The only thing missing for my personal taste are some shiny textures.

Pro Member Chief Captain
CrashGordon Chief Captain

Some screen shots of the AlphaSim B-52:

Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

Ok, you've thrown the bait -- have you had a chance to compare the FDs of the Alphasim with those of the freeware?

Pro Member Chief Captain
CrashGordon Chief Captain

The last time I had the freeware was quite a while ago.

Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

Fair enough.

Jamie4590 Guest

Are there any other 8 engine aircraft?

Pro Member First Officer
freedspeak First Officer

Tailhook, does that freeware version have a VC?

Pro Member Chief Captain
CRJCapt Chief Captain

Jamie4590 wrote:

Are there any other 8 engine aircraft?

The Hughes H-4 Hercules ("Spruce Goose") had eight engines. The B-36 Peacemaker had ten engines, I think thats the most of any aircraft. 🙂

Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

freedspeak wrote:

Tailhook, does that freeware version have a VC?

Sorry freedspeak, there is no VC and the panel and sounds are aliased to the defaults.

Jamie4590 Guest

Is that largest gauge on the panel something to do with weapons targeting?

Pro Member Chief Captain
CrashGordon Chief Captain

Jamie4590 wrote:

Is that largest gauge on the panel something to do with weapons targeting?

If it actually worked, I could tell you, 😂 My best guess is that it is a combinatuib TCAS/radar display.

Pro Member Chief Captain
CrashGordon Chief Captain

B-36 10 engines:

Jamie4590 Guest

Who could miss that? 😳

Is it normal for the contrails to be that dark? I thought they would only be that dark when using afterburners.

Pro Member Chief Captain
CrashGordon Chief Captain

What contrails? That's smoke! 😳 😂 😂 😂 Jets of that era, as well as prop engines weren't as clean burning as we are used to today. 😉

Jamie Lunn Aircraft Corp. Guest

Does anyone have the origanal gmax file of the ADF01F ifd you do can i have it

Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

Jamie Lunn Aircraft Corp. wrote:

Does anyone have the origanal gmax file of the ADF01F ifd you do can i have it

What is that file part of?

If it's got nothing to do with the B-52 please start a new topic and be more SPECIFIC!!

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