damn reboot

Pro Member Trainee
Dan (adood) Trainee

hey guys. well everytime i try and play FS2002 or CFS3 my PC just restarts.
and it kinda sucks πŸ˜‚
anyone know what this could be? im not to good with computers mind.

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Pro Member Chief Captain
Jonathan (99jolegg) Chief Captain

What are your system specs?

It could be an overheating problem. Advice has been given by a few knowledgeable members here before, to remove the side of the PC tower to allow cooler air to circulate. If it was an overheating problem, then this problem should go away. If it does fix the problem, then you can install a new fan which I'm told is quick, cheap and simple.

Pro Member Trainee
Dan (adood) Trainee

ah right thanks my fellow britt.
hopefully it will help.

my specs are:
1 gigabite of memory
64 megabite on board graphics
about 1.5 mhz or ghz (the lesser one)

Pro Member Chief Captain
Greekman72 Chief Captain

Since you dont give us some specific details...for example,since when you start have this problem,or if you add something before it starts etc...According to your specs i could suggest to lower your display settings in addition to what dear Jon suggests.An on board GFX cant produce the highest performance... πŸ˜‰

Last edited by Greekman72 on Tue Oct 03, 2006 5:00 pm, edited 1 time in total
Pro Member Trainee
Dan (adood) Trainee

ah thanks anyway guys but ive been told its my graphics card (or onboard graphics... man i got so ripped off) that is breaking (had it for like 2 years) and ive abused it so no surprise. its all good im getting a really good PC sometime this month!
thanks anyway

cant wait to try out FS2004 ^
looks fantastic
Twisted Evil

ARD_DC Guest

Before taking out your anger on your PC vendor πŸ˜€ , mind you that on-board graphics generally do not perform anywhere near as good as separate cards, especially the somewhat 'older' cards. For FS9, which - if you want to see some detail - does require a bit of power, it may very well be that onboard gfx just isn't up for it.

Also, before buying extra fans (you probably won't but just in case), ensure that your motherboard does have a powersupply connection available for the fan. 99% of the mobo's do, especially when you dont have any addded fans yet, but check just to be sure Wink. You can find the info in the usermanual if you're not confident you can find it by looking at the actual hardware.

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