Game play issues


I got FS9 to work. However, I can't get the game to run smoothly. I close down everything but the game and still get the jerky movements and flight control lags.

Here is what I have. It's a laptop too, so don't know if that has anything to do with it or not.

Toshiba Satellite
995 mhz Intel Celeron Processor
256 megabytes of ram
Trident cyberblade XP Ai1 video card (standard issue from toshiba)

Guess thats all you would need. Any help is appreciated.

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There are computers 3 times as fast as your laptop that still have problems with fs9....

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

Your 995 (never heard of it), your 256mb ram and the video card are all way under what is expected to do a medium job.
Turn down your clouds, traffic, scenery, turn off the shadows and generally move all the sliders down as much as you can stand to look at the sim that way.
If you want smooth flight with that computer you'll have to sacrifice (big time) the looks of the rest of the sim.
The more you turn off and down the better the aircraft will fly.
Don't start at the major airports they suck the resources out of your machine, start at a small dirt strip, Alaska, low scenery will run well on your machine turned down,
The newest video drivers and more ram would help.
Good luck and you can enjoy the sim, just give it a chance.


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