FSX installation nightmare heads up

Nunzio Guest


Just spent 2 hours with microsoft tech support regarding an installation problem..

Disc 1 installs fine, insert disc 2.. nothing.. computer hangs.. freaking nightmare..

MS tech guy tells me there are compatibility issues with Roxio and Nero. He has me uninstall roxio and nero, FSX just finished installing.

I'm now looking at the FSX splash screen. FSX loading. Looks like it will run.

FYI I'm on a XPS 700 core duo..

If all is well (looks OK now) I'll reinstall nero, I can live without roxio...

Just a heads up.


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Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

Nero was the one that gave me problems loading.


Pro Member Chief Captain
CrashGordon Chief Captain

I'll bet it was Nero 7. Nero 6 didn't give me any problem.

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

CrashGordon wrote:

I'll bet it was Nero 7. Nero 6 didn't give me any problem.

😀 How about we meet ½ way, it was 6.6, and I'm not kidding I just looked at the disk.


Stonestreet Guest

Thanks for the hint... I'll try out at home as I have exactly the same problem.

Hopfully it works

Pro Member Trainee
crash_deplane Trainee

Good to know, I think I have Nero.

Pro Member Trainee
Cooperjet Trainee

I have Nero 7 Ultra and it didn't cause me problems...


I took out NERO and Roxio and still have the same problem. Any other suggestions?


Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

RadarMan wrote:

CrashGordon wrote:

I'll bet it was Nero 7. Nero 6 didn't give me any problem.

😀 How about we meet ½ way, it was 6.6, and I'm not kidding I just looked at the disk.


Interesting, just double-checked. Nero 6.6 OEM.

I didn't uninstall Nero when I installed FSX. I don't know if this is relevant at all, but I don't have a Quickstart Icon in my Notification Area for Nero.
So if I require Nero's services, I call it up through the start menu.

Maybe there is also an issue with different codecs people might have installed - I don't know because I really only have the basics needed for my ripping.

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