compiling a xml into a bgl using the ms sdk bglcomp

Pro Member Trainee
abutz Trainee

Anybody else having problems compiling xml to a bgl with the ms sdk bglcomp. Can't get mine to work right. If anybody else hase gotten their bglcomp compiler to work right please clue me in in on what to do.


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Pro Member Chief Captain
CRJCapt Chief Captain

I would love to help you but I have no idea what you're talking about. Geek It's my ignorance on the subject that prevents me from giving an intelligent answer. 😂 I hope someone smarter than myself comes along to help.

[President Bush scratching head]
Sorry I had to remove that picture. Radar

Edit- new photo(Words above and picture are in reference to ME).

Last edited by CRJCapt on Sat Oct 21, 2006 3:05 pm, edited 1 time in total
Pro Member Trainee
UG_PL Trainee

aaaaaaahahahaaaaaa ROFL ROFL

Pro Member Trainee
UG_PL Trainee

UG_PL wrote:

aaaaaaahahahaaaaaa ROFL ROFL

G.W.B moved his hand on that picture... I swear!! 😳

Pro Member Chief Captain
CRJCapt Chief Captain

It wasn't political or a shot at President Bush. The wording is true and about me, I really don't know anything about xml. I did a picture search for a dumb person as a joke to represent my ignorance. It was just a funny picture. 😞 I didn't break any of the rules.

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