
guest Guest

I have downloaded a repaint of the deafult boeing 747-400 in Virgin Atlantic colour and i downloaded a plane that is a 747-400 virgin atlantic. When i chose the deafualt 747 and i choose the callsign as virgin atlantic and i loaded the game all it says is 268 Heavy there is no Vigrin Atlantic in the front

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guest wrote:

I have downloaded a repaint of the deafult boeing 747-400 in Virgin Atlantic colour and i downloaded a plane that is a 747-400 virgin atlantic. When i chose the deafualt 747 and i choose the callsign as virgin atlantic and i loaded the game all it says is 268 Heavy there is no Vigrin Atlantic in the front

This... doesn't make any sense at all.

A Virgin Atlantic repaint for the default 747 might exist, but I doubt it. Why would anyone bother when there are freeware Poskys to be repainted?

Then you say that you 'downloaded a plane that is a 747-400 virgin atlantic.' What does that mean? Usually that means a complete, flyable plane. But then - you choose the default 747 - why would you do that?

Then you choose the callsign as virgin atlantic... how do you do that? The callsign is either already there in which case ATC will use it or you have to add it yourself.

What do you mean by 'there is no Vigrin Atlantic in the front'?

Many mysteries contained in one short post Dont Know

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