Rugters Football

7dream8liner7 Guest

For those of you who follow college football, or live in the New York area, what your opinions about the best season that the historic university has ever had.

Being I live in the very close to the university/staduim (you can see the glow of the stadium from my porch), you could feel the electricity and excitement before the Louisville game, and after they defeated them 28-25.

I think that it is great for college football and shows that other colleges withbad records can become contenders.

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Pro Member Chief Captain
CrashGordon Chief Captain

Do you mean Rutgers?

7dream8liner7 Guest

Damn it, I can't believe I spelled that wrong. It was just a typo.

I meant RUTGERS.

Pro Member Chief Captain
CrashGordon Chief Captain

It happens. 😉

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