altitude read problem

Pro Member Trainee
piper_wichmon Trainee

when i do an IFR, after i take off my altitude meter will say like 1,000ft or so, but when i talk to ATC, it'll say like virgin vs11 is climbing through 12,000 for 38,000.

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Pro Member Chief Captain
CRJCapt Chief Captain

piper_wichmon wrote:

when i do an IFR, after i take off my altitude meter will say like 1,000ft or so, but when i talk to ATC, it'll say like virgin vs11 is climbing through 12,000 for 38,000.

1.Hit [B] to update your altimeter setting.
2. Turn on your Pitot heat(just in case your getting ice).
3. Ensure you don't have Pitot/static system failures programed.
4. Make sure you're reading the altimeter correctly.

PS I suggest you get FS 2004, it's much better and only $20 at Best Buy.

Pro Member Trainee
piper_wichmon Trainee

i figured out what was wrong. i had it set on the metric system. and im probably getting fsx for christmas.

Pro Member Chief Captain
CRJCapt Chief Captain


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