Help- again

Warrior2691 Guest

I need help again, When i download an aircraft and put it in the aircraft folder. I start cfs3 and it comes up but when I click fly now it closes. it completely closes cfs3.
How can i help this?

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Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

Warrior2691 wrote:

I need help again, When i download an aircraft and put it in the aircraft folder. I start cfs3 and it comes up but when I click fly now it closes. it completely closes cfs3.
How can i help this?

It seems that particular aircraft isn't compatible with your version of CFS or you not loading it properly.

If you have a 64mb video card that could be it also.
Try new drivers or just use aircraft that are made with GMAX.


Warrior2691 Guest

I shall try that. I have a Nvidia MX440, I can't seem to find the updated drivers.

Pro Member Trainee
gkilla777 Trainee

Warrior2691 wrote:

I need help again, When i download an aircraft and put it in the aircraft folder. I start cfs3 and it comes up but when I click fly now it closes. it completely closes cfs3.
How can i help this?

sounds to me like you dont have the weapons installed that it uses, i have had the same prob before, if u havent then make a backup of ur .xdp file then on the other original- on the loadouts section try changing the loadouts to the same as another plane just copy and paste say for example the spitfire loadouts into it or just delete them altogether then give it a try, if it works then you know your problem 😉

also make sure that if your plane came with pylon files or weapon/gun files that they are in the right folders, definately sounds like a weapon, guns or pylon problem.

Warrior2691 Guest

yeah I just realised you have to download a shared file which has weapons and stuff in. Thanks a lot for your help 😂

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