i have a major problem

Pro Member Trainee
bubba68ss Trainee

just recently my computer started crashing when flying. it usually happens when i am on takeoff and am rotating. The screen goes black and kind of flashy and up pops a Blue Screen with error in white text saying something like "dumping physical memory...if this is the first time you seen this message....contact tech support, etc..."
It was working just fine before (well, a little bogging down, but never crahsing with the bluescreen) I even turned the settings all the way down. This happens during multiplayer, dont know if it happens with free flight because i havent done that in a while.

This is driving me crazy and ive just spent the last 4 hours researching the 'blue screen' on the web. Everything ive tried does not work. Checked for viruses, spyware, memory setting (initial and max...or something like that in the control panel).. NOTHING

Why am i getting this bluescreen??

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Pro Member Chief Captain
CRJCapt Chief Captain

Hard to say what it is but sounds like an internal problem with windows,
try a few things.

1. Reboot your computer. If you go long periods with your computer constantly on, it seems to develop problems.

2. Run Scandisk and defrag

3. Use some type of registry cleaner. I use System mechanic 6 Pro that includes many tools that detect and repair errors. You may have trash in the system registry that is causing problems.

4. Check to see how many items are running at start up. Using the Run selection, type msconfig. It will show items that are set to start automatically during start up. Too many unnecessary items can eat up your RAM. You may be at the limit of your available RAM, more RAM can only help.

5. Try turning down your settings in FSX. 🙂

Pro Member Trainee
bubba68ss Trainee

just reinstalled FSX, defrag'd, allowed for more virtual memory and it still does it!!!! Its wierd, when i take off, the graphics are outstanding and the framrate is steady at 18 but right when i pitch up all hell breaks loose and it crashes.
I even tried a "System Reset Tool package" from microsoft, and also turned off a bunch of programs that run in the background. Settings are on default as i just reinstalled it.

What else can i look at??

my specs are
2.13GHz Processor
40gig HD
1.25GB memory
nvidia Geforce 5500

it seems to be pointing to memory being 'dumped' or something. right now my available memory is about 900MB (without FSX running) according to my task manager

Pro Member Trainee
bubba68ss Trainee

these are the errors that i get when it restarts


error signature
BCCode : 19 BCP1 : 00000020 BCP2 : 88BFD000 BCP3 : 88BFD160
BCP4 : 0A2C0000 OSVer : 5_1_2600 SP : 2_0 Product : 256_1

hopefully someone understands this language! lol

Pro Member Chief Captain
CRJCapt Chief Captain

Go to Windows update for the latest updates for Windows XP, SP2.
Ensure that you have Direct X 9.0c
Update graphic card driver

Pro Member Trainee
bubba68ss Trainee

done. havent tried it yet, but i have 9.0directx and just updated to nvidia driver 93.71 (forceware, or whatever it was called)

could i be looking at a voltage problem with my hardware?
how could i check voltage and temp. inside my computer. im just trying to rule out the simple things first.

Pro Member Chief Captain
CRJCapt Chief Captain

bubba68ss wrote:

done. havent tried it yet, but i have 9.0directx and just updated to nvidia driver 93.71 (forceware, or whatever it was called)
could i be looking at a voltage problem with my hardware?
how could i check voltage and temp. inside my computer. im just trying to rule out the simple things first.

Ensure you have Direct X 9.0c not just 9.0.
I don't know about voltage and temps. If it is those items, it should happen during other games or programs.

Pro Member Trainee
bubba68ss Trainee

finally got it fixed after hours of torture. i analyzed the mini-dump files and they all had one fil in common (csmud3.sys...or something like that). Anywasy, i looked up its location and it was part of the recent sound card i installed. I installed a PCI card so i could run my BG noise on it and run my headset on the on-board sound card. Whats wierd is it worked great for a few weeks which is why i looked over it. something changed and i dont know what.
I disabled that sound card and everything is gravy.(except my headset has engine noise in it now....grrr)
so, its a temp. fix. at least i can get my daily FSfiX!

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