WOAI makes all default ai disappear

Pro Member First Officer
bawns First Officer

does anyone know how to get my default ai from FSX back. WOAI is good for north america but when it come to anywhere out side of it you cant see any planes so i rather to have the default ai, at least there will be planes at all of my airports where ever i land

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Pro Member Trainee
Elite0259 Trainee

put the disk in and re-install, i got the plane downloads, and the 737 disapeared, i re-installed, DO NOT UNINSTALL FIRST, it re-copies the org. files without deleting the new files(as long as they are not the same name, I.E: airplane.cfg for the 747, if altered after the re-install will become the deffault airplane.cfg), idk if the files were the same name, but if not that will work.

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