How to start a flight with your engine & electronics off

Scream Guest

Hello, I am trying to find if there is a way to start a flight with everything switched off? I hate that such an option was not included. I want to start the plane myself!

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Pro Member First Officer
to_coolguys First Officer

heheh...i too hate that..I wished MS could have provided an option to start a flight being parked at a gate..instead of just an airport and placing it on the runway...Selecting a gate at the airport and cold cockpit when creating a flight would have been a good option to be added to FSX...This topic is already discussed in this forum.Please use search option at the top to search ..Hope this helps..

Pro Member Chief Captain
CRJCapt Chief Captain

Scream wrote:

Hello, I am trying to find if there is a way to start a flight with everything switched off? I hate that such an option was not included. I want to start the plane myself!


NSX Guest

Just start a flight at the gate, cut your engine's, press shift+M to cut battery, maybe open the main door and press ; to save that flight as default.

Next time you load it or any flight the plane will be as cold as a snowman.

Hope this helps.

Pro Member First Officer
to_coolguys First Officer

But then i need to save a flight for every departure airport that i need to fly.

NSX Guest

Nope, last time I did this it had effect on every flight I configered after making that one default. To undo it I had to start everything up and make that the default again. Just try it, wouldn't hurt.

Scream Guest

I had that tool for 2004. Will it work for FSX? I will try that and what NSX said. Thanks for the help!

Pro Member Chief Captain
CRJCapt Chief Captain
Pro Member Trainee
thunderbird522 Trainee

Scream wrote:

Hello, I am trying to find if there is a way to start a flight with everything switched off? I hate that such an option was not included. I want to start the plane myself!

Mad i know what you mean. i wish also

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