How to start a flight with Engine off??

Pro Member Trainee
harris666 Trainee

I have for some time tried to figure out how to start a flight with the engine off and all avionics shut off. Just like a real flight when you get in the plane and start up with a checklist.

Is there any place in the setup where it is possible to chance the configuration so you dont get a plane with engines on everytime you start a flight.

see you above the clouds!!!

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Pro Member Captain
bawls327 Captain

I am not sure. I know some addon planes have that option you just gotta read the manuel on how to do that. You can always pretend you just got back from a long flight then turn your engines off and pretend your another pilot about to get in.

Pro Member Trainee
SimmerGuy Trainee

I do an orderly shut down and secure the aircraft. then save the flight and when you load it the next time it is just like you left it. Parked in the parking space you left it with everything off.

I actually save several versions of it in different locations.

Pro Member Captain
acepilot32 Captain

ok i found it and you should really look at stickies they really help and here is where you can download it

the member ship is free and you get access to a bunch of downloads

Pro Member First Officer
n7xlq1 First Officer

Here's a sticky that was found in the Aircraft forum. labeled Cold and Dark Not sure why its there but it is.

Pro Member Captain
acepilot32 Captain

hey thats where i got my link from lol

Pro Member First Officer
n7xlq1 First Officer

acepilot32 wrote:

hey thats where i got my link from lol

Oh, whoops.. Guess great minds think a like. 🙂

Pro Member Trainee
harris666 Trainee


Thanks for all the help. but I still have a problem. when I follow your links and press the download button on the site, It turns up like a site explorer cant find. like the site dont exist.

Is it possible to download it at other places.

I really appreciate your help and looking forward to get in a cold cockpit

Pro Member First Officer
Luke (warlord40) First Officer

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