Pro Member Captain
nottobe Captain

can someone kindly tell me what the difference is between Instrument Aproach Procedure and Standard Terminal Arrival (route?)? Thanks
BTW, when I approach with ILS, why there are ILS approach plates? What is the need for the plates when you are totally vectored to intercept the localizer/? Thx 🙂

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Pro Member Chief Captain
CRJCapt Chief Captain

nottobe wrote:

can someone kindly tell me what the difference is between Instrument Aproach Procedure and Standard Terminal Arrival (route?)? Thanks
BTW, when I approach with ILS, why there are ILS approach plates? What is the need for the plates when you are totally vectored to intercept the localizer/? Thx 🙂

Instrument Approach procedure(IAP)- Charted procedure that allows an aircraft to land during reduced visibility(IMC). This includes ILS, VOR, NDB, LOC, LOC-BC and GPS approaches. They are used to find the runway.

Standard Terminal Arrival Route(STAR)- Charted procedure that shows the preferred route that ATC wants aircraft to follow inbound to the airport. STAR procedures make flight planning easier and reduce radar vectoring near the airport. Often, STAR procedures include charted holding patterns so that ATC hold instructions can be abbreviated. Most busy airports have multiple STAR procedures depending on arrival direction and sometimes runway. You don't need anything special to fly most STARS, a C-172 can fly them. Some STARS require GPS or FMS but they are few. The STAR is just routing to get you close( about 20-30 miles) to the airport from an enroute fix such as a VOR or intersection. 🙂

Last edited by CRJCapt on Tue Dec 19, 2006 4:07 am, edited 1 time in total
Pro Member Captain
Karlw Captain

Thanks crj helpful to me two thanks 😀

Pro Member Captain
nottobe Captain

Very nice CRJCapt, thanks a lot

Pro Member Chief Captain
CRJCapt Chief Captain


Pro Member First Officer
ARD-DC First Officer

nottobe wrote:

why there are ILS approach plates? What is the need for the plates when you are totally vectored to intercept the localizer/? Thx 🙂

a comms or NAVAID failure would be one good reason.

Personally I use the IAC's (Instrument Approach Chart) 9 out of 10 times.

The advantage being that you know where you're coming from, what direction you're supposed to be flying, and your IAC's is the only way to know the Missed Approach Procedure(!) ATC won't tell you that in advance.

Anyway - even though you can easily get to an airport and land without the use of charts, like CRJ already mentioned, they teach you the procedures which you are supposed to follow and give you a great sense of awareness of your surroundings.

From your post, I am lead to believe you do not fly online. If and when you start doing that, you'll notice you won't be able to do it without them!

Don Wood Guest

In the real world, there are a number of reasons why you must have charts for the approaches you fly.

1. It is the law. You can have your license suspended or revoked if you do not.
2. The charts contain info necessary for the approach that ATC will assume you have and will not tell you.
3. Comm failure as stated by a previous poster. If you lose comm, you are expected to continue the correct execution of the charted approach.
4. No all IAP's are ILS. If you are flying a localizer, VOR, or ADF approach, you need to know the altitude limits for each segment of the approach.
5. If you have to execute a missed approach, the only instruction you are going to get from ATC is to "fly the missed approach". If you do not have the charts, you will not know what to do.

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