Eaglesoft Cirrus SR20-G2

Ryan_V1 Guest

I was reading a review on this plane, and I really want to get it. I saw that you needed to get some Reality XP gauges for it to work. Do you need these for all the models of the plane, or for the entire plane, or do you not need them at all? Thanks

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Pro Member First Officer
pilatflyr First Officer

just the gauges. everything else works fine without them. but if you want realism, go get them gauges. they're not that bad

Ryan_V1 Guest

So, can you see the gauges without them? I don't have the money for em now, so before I go out and spend money on a plane I can't fly, ya know....

Ryan_V1 Guest


Pro Member First Officer
pilatflyr First Officer

just that all of the gauges enhance it better. i'd recommend that you get some, or else you'll regret it

Ryan_V1 Guest

I think I'll get the plane then, and maybe in a few weeks I'll get the gauges....thanks!

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