Janet pilot question

Pro Member Captain
Karlw Captain

If you where to become a janet pilot I don't want to I just wanted to make a bet with my dad he says that before you can fly the janet aircraft to its base you must fly fighter jets go into war and what not is that true

thanks for the info hope I won


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Pro Member Chief Captain
CRJCapt Chief Captain

Karlw wrote:

If you where to become a janet pilot I don't want to I just wanted to make a bet with my dad he says that before you can fly the janet aircraft to its base you must fly fighter jets go into war and what not is that true thanks for the info hope I won

No way to know because they're so tight lipped about Area 51. My gut feeling is that the pilots are military. I don't think that they have to have flown a fighter or have been in a war. The pilots that fly the President are military. Possible that they are pilots hired by the CIA or NSA but military pilots are of known quality and their training and backgrounds are easier to verify. Just my idea, no way to know. 🙂

Pro Member Captain
Karlw Captain

Thanks crjcaptain I shall now glout to my dad and collect my money lol thanks 😀

Pro Member First Officer
pilatflyr First Officer

haha, put area 51 on my "places to go when I turn 18" list 😀

Yeah, and keep in mind, the government doesn't fully acknowledge area 51's existence, so there's really no way of knowing unless...well...i don't really know

Pro Member First Officer
ARD-DC First Officer

pilatflyr wrote:

haha, put area 51 on my "places to go when I turn 18" list 😀

Yeah, and keep in mind, the government doesn't fully acknowledge area 51's existence, so there's really no way of knowing unless...well...i don't really know

unless....you get to go there when you turn 18, I suppose... Tongue

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