Jeppensen charts for FS (free???)

dme43 Guest

is there any free jeppensen charts on the net for use in FS?

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Pro Member Chief Captain
CRJCapt Chief Captain

dme43 wrote:

is there any free jeppensen charts on the net for use in FS?

None that I know of, only goverment charts.

dme43 Guest

i dont care what type they are as long as i can read it cause i want to learn more about doing ILS landings and things like the DH (decision height) speed ...etc

Pro Member Chief Captain
CRJCapt Chief Captain
dme43 Guest

thanks 🙂

Pro Member Trainee
matt4666 Trainee

A really good source of flight charts is from Google Earth. Here is how to get them.

Find your US airport, and zoom in on it.
Find the Wikipedia link and open full article
At the bottom of the article will be a host of external refences, look for Air Nav link, click it and you will be taken to another page which has all the ILS charts, airport diagram etc.

Some ILS charts are different to those on FS, but a quick check of most procedures usally checks out ok.

BTW this does not work for any other countries outside USA, so if your want europe and Africa you'll be out of luck

Hope this help


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