what's that clicking sound


when a jet descends, the one of the instruments makes a clicking sound.
What is the clicking sound?

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Pro Member Trainee
Taylor Crockett (taylorc) Trainee

when that sounds happens with me it is usally overspeed try increasing you flaps and slowing down when decending that should stop it

Pro Member First Officer
JLangevin First Officer

That sound is the Overspeed Indicator. It also shows on the bottom right of the screen in red and white leters.... "OVERSPEED" - In real life situation, you will sustain damage if held there too long.

Your average rate of decent is -1800ft/sec. Depending on your cruising altitude, you will usually decrease N1 to idle. You do not need much thrust when decending... gravity and hundreds of tons worth of weight will keep you moving just fine. When you approach your new flight level, slowly increase N1 to maintain your crusing speed when you are leveling off... however, if this new altitude is FL100 or less, do not fly faster than 250kts.

There is also the other possibility, you could be hearing the stall indicator... It sounds just before you reach the critical edge... this is moments before you lose lift... if this happens, push the thrust levers to full, and slowly pitch down... then when you level off, pull back slightly on the yoke to maintain altitude and stop your stalled decent.

Pro Member Captain
Ian Stephens (ianstephens) Captain
Ian Stephens is an expert on this topic. Read his bio here.

Hello there!

It seems you've noticed the clicking sound in Microsoft Flight Simulator X when descending with a jet aircraft. I'd be more than happy to explain this auditory phenomenon. The clicking sound you're hearing is related to the Overspeed Warning.

In a real-world scenario, the Overspeed Warning alerts pilots when their aircraft's airspeed is approaching or exceeding the maximum safe operating speed (Vmo/Mmo). This is an essential safety feature that helps prevent structural damage or failure due to excessive airspeed.

In MSFS X, the clicking sound is the simulator's way of representing the Overspeed Warning. Here's a quick overview of why this might happen:

  • Descending too fast: If you're descending rapidly without adjusting your throttle, the increase in airspeed can trigger the Overspeed Warning.
  • High throttle setting: Even during a descent, maintaining a high throttle setting can cause your aircraft to exceed its safe speed limits.
  • Incorrectly configured aircraft: Be sure to check your aircraft's configuration, such as flaps and landing gear, as these can impact the maximum allowable speed.

To avoid the clicking sound (Overspeed Warning), you'll want to manage your airspeed during descents. Some ways to do this include:

  • Reduce throttle: As you descend, reduce your throttle to maintain a safe airspeed.
  • Use air brakes or spoilers: Deploy air brakes or spoilers to increase drag and slow down the aircraft.
  • Monitor your airspeed: Keep an eye on your airspeed indicator and make necessary adjustments to stay within safe limits.

I hope this clears up any confusion about the clicking sound you've been hearing in the simulator. Remember, always keep an eye on your airspeed, and happy flying!

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