Dual core use

Pro Member Trainee
teamo Trainee

I remember reading a post about using the other core of a dual core amd for fs9. I did a search but I cannot find it. It gave instructions on how to split the workload in fs9 between the two cores and optimize performance.

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Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain
Pro Member Trainee
teamo Trainee

I right clicked on fs9.exe and selected set affinity. The list showed cpu 0 and cpu 1 checked off. The rest of the list was greyed out so I couldn't select any more from the list. I read somewhere that the cpu 0 is a virtual dual core and has something to do with hyperthreading. Does this mean that my machine is only recognizing one cpu? I have an AMD dual core x2.

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

teamo wrote:

I right clicked on fs9.exe and selected set affinity. The list showed cpu 0 and cpu 1 checked off. The rest of the list was greyed out so I couldn't select any more from the list. I read somewhere that the cpu 0 is a virtual dual core and has something to do with hyperthreading. Does this mean that my machine is only recognizing one cpu? I have an AMD dual core x2.

You only have 2 core, so the others can't have checks in them.

Follow the steps he laid out and you'll see the spread across the two.


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