I just set up a charter for 4 guys. They want to fly from SFO to Hawaii and back to SFO all in one day for a meeting in Hawaii. -some kind of bi business deal-
The chartered plane is going to be a lear or gulfstream.
Take a guess at what the cost of the charter is?? 😳 😳 😳
If they close the deal, it will be worth miliions!!! So, it is like you or I taking a taxi for a few miles.
A friend used to do charter in a King Air C90B. Although he didn't fly to Hawaii, we did fly from VA to say Atlanta. That would be a few thousand dollars (about $5000)
Now, think of this in other terms. A business can send their employees for a few thousand, as apposed to the headache of airlines and last minute ticket costs, etc. He did alot of business.
The Gulfstream is going to cost a ton because of the cost to fly it an hour. I think the G3 costs about $150,000 an hour to fly.
You mean to tell me that Tiger, Arnie and Jack pay that kind if $ to fly their own gulfs?
It was 76,000.00 bucks.
No RadarMan. That cost is the sost for Admin, engine TBO and other maint. averages, fuel and and and. But, when it is all counted, it does cost about 2 grand an hour just to have the engines running for a lear type.
Aircraft and parts/maint are/is so phenominaly expensive due to the testing and insurances etc. I saw an attitude indicator in a box. I said to the mech- what's that for? He said yeah, I gotta put it in that king air 200 over there. The cost of the instrument was 25,000,00!!!!!!! 😳 😳 😳 😳 😳 😳 😳 😳
OH! We also brokered a charter for a group of Japanese,,, A tour group. The plane was a 757-200. 42,000.00 an hour with a 3 hour minimum plus some other little things.
Those prices are for the $rich$, not for me although I would like it to be.
$2G's an hour for the big hitters, thanks for that.
By the way Tiger calls his airplane TWA (Tiger Woods Airline).
Well I've just chartered a 777 to take my friends and family from Heathrow over to Baltimore to see some family.... it cost me £200,000 wet (inc. fuel) and the Pilot has said that I can fly her once we're in the cruise...... More importantly he said I can press the "Seatbelts" button once we're out of the climb... yipee !
That was my butt hitting the hard ground of reality with a thump!
I posted a screen shot of Travoltas house showing his 'garages' with the gulfstream and the 707 on parking driveways. I wonder what it costs for him to operate the 707.
He did a world trip for Quantis or some thing like that. Wow!!!! Wouldn't that be something?!?!?!?!? 😳 😳
We all have our thing. Here's mine.
In FS9 I have my fleet. They are all pre 1975 aircraft. I have made a ficticious charter company.
I have just arranged for a charter for the military. I usually do military flights. All my planes are all weather and specially equiped with special engine dirt separators and beefed up landing gear for all surface ops. Even the 747's!!!
the charter is: Anchorage to Fairbanks to Barrow and back. Also there are a few people that have to be picked up from some small fields and rallied at the anchorage and fairbanks airports.
The whole chrter is $750,450.00
Aircraft used are: 747, TU-114, AN-24 and the Tri-motor
The rates are: 747- 57,000 an hour w/ 3hr min and 2,000 for standby.
TU-114 - 25,000 AN-24- 8,500 Tri-motor- 1,200
All the standby rates and hourly mins vary.
My entire fleet: 3 747-200's -1 of them is a freghter- , 1 DC-10-30,
1 727-200, 1 TU-114, 1 TU-154, 1 AN-24 and 1 TRi motor.
And my own Barron.
Elkinallen, I'd like to set up a charter flight in your 747...I need to get out of Atlanta by no later than 5:55AM next sunday, We'd be flying to Rome, I need some gilatti and lasagna...I'll give you 600,000 up front to get me there, then 700,000 to get back, think about it 1,300,000. If there is any additional costs, let me know.
heh, don't I wish...but you CAN fly in the sim, and pretend to be me as you walk around the awesome virtual cabin...and mess with the flight attendants
For you FEM!!! you are such a 👍 cool dude, I will fly you there and back for a $1.
As far as the Stewardess's (Remember, my planes are pre 1975, so they are 'Stews') If you want a piece of
, it cost you $2.00!!!!!!!!!
Thems the rules!!
Wow, thats a lot of $$$! It would be MUCH cheaper to fly American Airlines or United or Delta. I've heard that Learjets and Gulfstreams are very expensive.
that sounds good, that way it settles up for the time i flew the wright flyer over the english channel for $1
actually, i have a girlfriend now...can she come for 1$ too?
I've done those with a company I used to work for....you would figure about $6000 six thousand dollars per hour to $8000/hr depending on type of AC. we usually used the 737-300 which averaged about $5500/hr depending on the season and destinations.
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