New Nvidia Drivers


Anyone try the new Nvidia graphics drivers? I have the 8800GTX SLI cards and am curious as to how the new drivers work with fs2004?

Is there a way to enable SLI with fs2004?

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Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

Anonymous wrote:

Anyone try the new Nvidia graphics drivers? I have the 8800GTX SLI cards and am curious as to how the new drivers work with fs2004?

Is there a way to enable SLI with fs2004?

You can wait for some one to improvise an answer for you, but we both know that you don't want improvisation.

Frankly, I would post such a specialised question in the NVIDIA support forums or start 'googling', like so:

Jamie4590 Guest

I have an old NVIDIA card so my experience will probably be different to yours but I found the latest drivers didn't run well on my system. It made it unstable and various screens on fs9 would be blank such as the aircraft selection screen so I reverted back to my old drivers. I think the latest drivers are of benefit for users running force feedback devices.

Tailhook, your avatar is the funniest thing I have ever seen. Thanks! Where can I get it???

Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

Jamie4590 wrote:

Tailhook, your avatar is the funniest thing I have ever seen. Thanks! Where can I get it???

Since it's you who's asking Jamie... I'll give you a special price Umm...
Thanks for the compliment, I was hoping someone might like it 😀

Jamie4590 Guest

Special price? I never knew you were Arabian, Tailhook! 😉

Is it something you created or sourced? It gets funnier every time.

Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

Jamie4590 wrote:

Special price? I never knew you were Arabian, Tailhook! 😉

Aaahh... there's more to me than meets the eye Jamie.

Is it something you created or sourced?

Me...? Creating... sourcing...? Negative. I swiped it. Ninja

Truth is, a friend sent it to me with the condition attached that 50% of any profit I managed to make out of it must be returned to her. Ha Ha

It's a woman's world 😀

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