ILS Approach Problems


I followed the stickied guide at the top perfectly. I get clearance to land and I kick in the APP Approach and the plane then just begins to turn in no direction. At first it seems like it may be turning to line up with the runway, but it'll just turn and turn and descend, then it'll disengage, and just fly straight, normally AWAY from the runway and airport.

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Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

You're not saying whether you've tried your approach at one airport only or different ones.
Some airports have bugs in them.


Many, many, many.

Molokai, Hawaii

Those are the ones I've tried recently. I got it to work succesfully at the Las Vegas Intl airport. I've tried several planes. The default Mooney, Cessna 172, and mainly this:

I can land approaches fine manually in small props (which is the level I'm currently comfortable flying) but I need to start aquainting myself with instruments. I've programmed all the radios right, I've heard the morse code. All the APP settings are right, etc, but it's just not coming togther at the end.

Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

I vaguely recall an instance where a guy (flying the PMDG 737NG) had a similar problem. Turned out that somehow when he saved a PMDG flight, this action screwed up other saved flights and/or settings.

This is all very vague, isn't it. Where to start troubleshooting?
I would delete the 'Flight Simulator Files' folder in 'My Documents' or rename it to "bak.Flight Simulator Files" prior to loading fs9.

Now fs9 won't find the default flight (because you renamed the folder which contains it) but that's not a problem, just follow the prompts and you'll be fine.
Theoretically, fs9 won't be able to find ANY of your previously saved flights. Now load a flight but don't use the PMDG - maybe best to try a default a/c and needless to say, make your destination an airport where you've had success with the appr. previously.

See what happens-


Thanks for the replies man, will try it in the mroning.

Pro Member Trainee
aob9 Trainee

Some airports do have bugs as suggested. I have also noticed that if you select 'APP' on the auto-pilot before intercepting the glideslope all sorts of things can go wrong. I have had this issue with Dublin Airport( Ireland). I need wait until I have slipped below the glideslope before engaging 'APP'.


I figured it out. I was not setting manually descending enough, so when I the APP would put me over the runway I was too high. I've solved the problem and have had several perfect, autopiloted landings today!

Pro Member Captain
Welshflyer Captain

Tailhook wrote:

You're not saying whether you've tried your approach at one airport only or different ones.
Some airports have bugs in them.

Did'nt know that! I wondered why at some airports i could do a nice approach but at others it would go haywire, thanks for the info.

Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

I fly a lot around Southeast Asia. Even some of the major hubs there are a nightmare in fs9.

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