FSX Exits itself

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I just bought a new pc and FSX running win vista. for some reason when in the program and I am changing an option, downloading real weather the whole program exits out....

anyone knows why that could be?


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Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

If it only happens with real weather then that's the only problem you have to work on.
If it happens other times then you have an overall problem.

How much ram do you have and give us all your system specs.

If you only have 1 gig then that the problem.



I also have this problem

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

Anonymous wrote:

I also have this problem

Vista uses 1 gig of ram, more if it can get it.
That leaves zero for FSX or less if you have an onboard (integrated) video card.

Get at least 3 gigs with Vista and FSX.



I have 2046 MB of RAM. With an ATI X1700 It's a brand new HP

Pro Member First Officer
2robplaying First Officer

When you start FSx and everything is fine do you hit the alt key?

If your pc hasn't got enough ram it will not only minimize it will disapear back to the folder from which it came from.

It's a safe guard to protect the pc from memory dump!

On the bright side any flights that are saved will stay saved.

Pro Member Trainee
mealand Trainee

I too have this problem

Running FSX with Vista home premium
Upgraded from 1G to 2G RAM
HP Intel Core 2 6300 @ 1.8Mhz
updated video card from ATI 1600x to ATI Radeon X1950 Pro
(this pc is not even 1 month old)

have a windows experience rating of 4.9 (up from 3.1 before changes)

If i try and select real time weather after fsx has started, it just closes down
If i go into scenery settings, and turn on something like "ground scenery casts shadows" i get the same result.
Most annoyingly, I cannot setup any flights to anywhere. you go through the entire selection process, for example EGLL to EGPF, only once again to have the program closes down on you

I am wondering if the FSX SP1 update will make things better, before doing anything else?

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

mealand wrote:

I too have this problem

Running FSX with Vista home premium
Upgraded from 1G to 2G RAM
HP Intel Core 2 6300 @ 1.8Mhz
updated video card from ATI 1600x to ATI Radeon X1950 Pro
(this pc is not even 1 month old)

have a windows experience rating of 4.9 (up from 3.1 before changes)

If i try and select real time weather after fsx has started, it just closes down
If i go into scenery settings, and turn on something like "ground scenery casts shadows" i get the same result.
Most annoyingly, I cannot setup any flights to anywhere. you go through the entire selection process, for example EGLL to EGPF, only once again to have the program closes down on you

I am wondering if the FSX SP1 update will make things better, before doing anything else?

Ground scenery casts shadows eats up resources, so does real time weather.
If it runs well without those two then your system although looking good on paper can't take the extra effort.
Ease off on shadows, clouds and AI traffic.
Autogen should be lowered if you have it maxed out.

If it runs well then you might need more ram.
The video drivers for Vista aren't the best yet, be sure you have the latest.
Your card is 256mb, correct??


Pro Member First Officer
JLangevin First Officer

RadarMan wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

I also have this problem

Vista uses 1 gig of ram, more if it can get it.
That leaves zero for FSX or less if you have an onboard (integrated) video card.

Get at least 3 gigs with Vista and FSX.


There ya go throwing out the mis-matched 3gigs again Wink Just for refference, my friends PC uses 800mb of ram with Vista Home Premium, I use 550mb with the same version...

Every PC will be different.

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