FS2002 Views

martin4356111 Guest


I'm running FS2002 on my laptop and I'm trying to change the view. What I'm after is a view from directly behind the aircraft.

I know I can do it using the numberpad with num lock on but I dont have a numberpad on my laptop. Can it be done anyother way?

Many thanks chaps!

Accidentally posted in the FS2004 forum, sorry!

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Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

Here are the 2002 keyboard commands, print them out.'
That should help.



Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

martin4356111 wrote:


I'm running FS2002 on my laptop and I'm trying to change the view. What I'm after is a view from directly behind the aircraft.

I know I can do it using the numberpad with num lock on but I dont have a numberpad on my laptop. Can it be done anyother way?

Many thanks chaps!

Accidentally posted in the FS2004 forum, sorry!

<Ctrl+W> will open a small window which by default will now be active - meaning you can turn the aircraft to be viewed from behind by using the hat switch on your joystick. Hit <W> and the small window will change into full screen. Hit <W> again and you're back to small window.

Let's say you're viewing your aircraft from behind now, you can zoom in and out by using the <+ and - > keys.

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