How do you get promoted ranks?

Pro Member Chief Captain
Cheeks Chief Captain

how do u get promoted. im a trainee adn i've been here longer than others who are a higher rank than me. tell me how to get promoted 😳 \


Answers 4 Answers

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Pro Member Captain
bawls327 Captain

you have to post

Pro Member Chief Captain
CRJCapt Chief Captain

Rank insignia is based only on post count (the number of posts you write).

First Officer:
100 posts

500 posts

Chief Captain:
1000 posts

The Ranks mean nothing, don't write posts just to raise the count. Write meaningful posts and in time, the count will increase and you will gain the respect of your fellow members.

Pro Member Chief Captain
Cheeks Chief Captain

Thank u people 😎

Pro Member Chief Captain
Cheeks Chief Captain

crjcaptain i was just curious to know 😉

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