Nav & Comm frequencies displayed on X52 Throttle display

Pro Member Trainee
geoffwhite Trainee

Dear All

I have tried in vain to search for a way to add the comms & nav frequencies to my x52 throttle display.

I have tried and failed to understand the x52 profiler tool and have failed to find an adequate answer on the internet or flight sim forum.

I know it can be done, because I have seen it displayed with them on in a magazine.

Can anyone help? 😕

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Pro Member Chief Captain
Jake (JarJarBinks) Chief Captain

you do have the SST prgraming somftware?

it is very complicated to do so ive just tried after reading your thread but cannot do it it may take some playing around with otherwise contact tech support

Pro Member Chief Captain
Drew B (belgeode) Chief Captain

OMG yall are psychic.. I was just trying to figure this out myself... lemme do some research and get back to you on that. I know you can do it on the Logitech G15 keyboard (with the built in window) but I have not yet found how to do it on the X52.

Whomever finds it before I do please post here!

Pro Member Chief Captain
Jake (JarJarBinks) Chief Captain

do you want to scroll the frequencies useing the MFD display or just visually see a radio stack there

Pro Member Chief Captain
Drew B (belgeode) Chief Captain

My money is on visually see radio stack. Is there a way to scroll available frequencies? I like to program in my destination frequency and waypoints to VOR. (Usually on computer 1's monitor I will have the rl flight chart up showing me VORTAC info)

Pro Member Trainee
geoffwhite Trainee

Either really. To scroll through them would be great, but to have them displayed on the MFD would take away the need to check the radio stack for the nav aid and comm frequencies. I don't mind. Thanks for your help in advance!

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