FSX Service Pack 1

Pro Member First Officer
Aldeeb First Officer

I haven't yet installed this add-on which an article I read recently said that it had to be done on top of a "clean copy", that is without download add-ons.

I experienced considerable difficulty getting it up and running in the first place and I had installed 4 downloaded aircraft. Does FSX become "clean" if these are deleted from "SimObjects"?

I am reluctant to deinstall FSX completely for two reasons -

1. I don't want to repeat the problems I had in getting it to run.

2. I don't want to waste the second of the two activation codes that are allowed.

I would be interested to hear other views.

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Pro Member First Officer
abmukh80 First Officer

I really dont know who's said that activation is possible only 2 times!!! I've myself reinstalled FSX deluxe edition more than 3 times.

A clean copy of FSX means it has no third party downloads installed such as aircrafts, gauges, repaints, lights and other objects etc.

The best way is to uninstall everything including the back up log and plan files and reinstall FSX. Then load SP1. If u haven't done it-do it ur missing performance tweaks. Even SP2 is round the corner.

By the way u mentioned u had some problems running FSX. Please share with us, so that somebody could help you.


Pro Member First Officer
Aldeeb First Officer

Thanks for your reply. I wonder if I misread something saying FSX could only be installed on two machines and then a new key had to be purchased to go onto a third. It could be that I thought that meant it was only possible to install twice on the same machine. I haven't run the words to earth as yet but will keep looking.

Pro Member First Officer
abmukh80 First Officer

Yes and you must install SP1. Its a must. Try finding out for the SP2. It'll be soon out. And then you'll have to install on a clean copy again I guess. Be careful!!!

Pro Member Captain
Morris (morris91) Captain

Hey just to say i installed my fsx 4times before the when i got a new laptop i installed it and it said that i have acdivated this game tomany times so when i phoned up microsoft (that cost me so much money) thay said i needed a new lisence but i never new how to get one so i just got a new fsx from a another shop

Pro Member First Officer
abmukh80 First Officer

Then this is something serious...anybody here who's done this before? I mean installed FSX more than 4 times. I think it shouldn't be a problem. Still would like to get some opinion from u guys!!!

Pro Member First Officer
faust1200 First Officer

Well I found these two faq's on MS's knowledge base.

Q4: How many times can I activate the product?

A4: There is no limit to the number of times that you can activate the software product on the same computer. For example, you can remove and reinstall or reactivate the product any number of times. An additional activation is provided so that you can remove and re-install the product on the same computer or on a different computer. See the Microsoft Software License Terms for more information. The Microsoft Software License Terms are located in the game folder.

Q6: Can I install the product on more than one computer?

A6: You can install and use one copy of the software product on the licensed device. The licensed device is the device for which you have accepted the license agreement. You can remove the product and then install the product on another computer. However, you cannot share the license between two or more computers. See the End User License Agreement (EULA), for more information.*******************

That being said I have FSX installed on 2 different machines at this moment. And on the second machine I have it installed twice, once on each partition (vista/xp) I have upgraded computers since the release like most people so the above seems not accurate. I think the part about installing unlimited on the same machine might be right though.

Pro Member First Officer
abmukh80 First Officer

Hence proved Aldeeb. Go ahead and reinstall.

Pro Member Captain
Morris (morris91) Captain

ok well like i said i buyed a new fsx from a shop as a got a active notice well as i did i still have the old copie with its serial number so i will uninstall the copie i have now and install my old one and see what happends

also i did install my old copie on 2 diffrent computers

1 on my dads but never worked do to system requirements

3 times on my new laptop i got for christmas and the first never worked so i reinstalled it and then it worked then the 3rd time my harddrive broke and then i got it fixed

when i tried to reinstall it on my new new laptop witch i have now the copie never worked so il try it again now

Pro Member Captain
Morris (morris91) Captain

Ok well i uninstalled my newish FSX and then after installed my older fsx in october when the fsx came out that was when i installed my older copie so many times but when i installed my older copie i entered my older copies serial number and it said you have sucsefully activated your FSX

so i fink people did have activation amounts but now i fink microsoft have lifted that and i fink you can do it as many times as you want

so i now have Two copie's of fsx 😂

Pro Member First Officer
Aldeeb First Officer

Hi guys

that certainly clears up any doubts I had so as and when time permits I'll go ahead, deinstall FSX, reinstall and add the service pack. Interested to see Service Pack 2 is not far off, so the future looks interesting.

Couldn't understand the Autumnal tinges as September in the UK is when the trees start to begin their change from green but then I realised with a US-originated system that Fall does indeed come this month, so I switched my season to Spring from Summer and got a less eye-dazzling tree colour!

For a challenge the strip at Compton Abbas (UK Cotswolds) is a challenge - taking off is no problem but finding the field in a Piper Cub without Map or GPS is not at all easy. The altitude of the strip is interesting too.

Pro Member First Officer
Aldeeb First Officer

This looks a useful site too:


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