File Cleanup Utility?

Pro Member First Officer
William A. Jones (waj2306) First Officer

I have been using a great Guage cleanup tool for a long time. I was curious if there is/are any Sound/Effects ect. utilities out there that can clean these file of unused items? If not, what do most of ya'll do to clean these files out with?


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Pro Member Chief Captain
Drew B (belgeode) Chief Captain

clean? I should do that??

Pro Member First Officer
William A. Jones (waj2306) First Officer


Pro Member First Officer
William A. Jones (waj2306) First Officer

Sorry....I just saw where your located! HEHEHEHEHE! Silly me, to think Pittsburg needs cleaning!

Pro Member Chief Captain
Drew B (belgeode) Chief Captain

Depending on how Ben plays this weekend... we might.

Pro Member First Officer
William A. Jones (waj2306) First Officer


Pro Member Chief Captain
Drew B (belgeode) Chief Captain

oh lawd lol.... when do we play you guys again?

Pro Member First Officer
William A. Jones (waj2306) First Officer

No game this year. You took us in preseason 27-13. PAYBACK in '08.

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