iron maiden aircraft

Pro Member Trainee
jespere Trainee

i dont know where to post it, but does anyone have any Iron Maiden aircraft repaint? i would REALY be happy if there were any for FSX. if not, i would be realy happy if someone could repaint a plane to something like:

thanks, jespere

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Pro Member First Officer
cheezyflier First Officer

ACES HIGH!!!!!!!

Pro Member Trainee
jespere Trainee

yeah yeah back to topic
can anyone help me?

Pro Member Trainee
Tranquil Trainee

Hi, actually im in the middle of the new 2008 tour scheme. i jsut need to find a good font for the back end text......

Pro Member Trainee
jespere Trainee

wow! it looks awesome!!!!!
good luck with finishing it! <3!!!!!!!!!!

Pro Member Trainee
Tranquil Trainee


finally found the rightish font and did a little customisation to it, it looks pretty simular, hope you like it!!!!

the Boeing 757 i used was projectopensky's Boeing 757-200 which can be found on their site.

the livery i will release soon and let you know where it is.........

Pro Member Trainee
jespere Trainee

great! it looks VERY nice.
it looks exacly like the orginal aircraft

thanks out in eternity!!! thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks

Pro Member Trainee
Tranquil Trainee

yes here is it.....

Pro Member Trainee
Tranquil Trainee

also on the subject of Iron Maiden repaints, here is 1 i have done for the new UKMIL Hawk T1

Pro Member Captain
Morris (morris91) Captain

Very Very cool pics love that last plane love the repaints.

Pro Member Trainee
jespere Trainee

so... when will i be able do to download the repaint? 😀

Pro Member Trainee
Tranquil Trainee

i will put a link up for it tomorrow, theres a little bit left to do to it 🙂

Pro Member Trainee
jespere Trainee

ok! great. good night

Pro Member Trainee
Tranquil Trainee

heres another pic, i will be uploading today to UKMIL...

Pro Member Trainee
jespere Trainee

great! but... what is UKMIL?

edit: doesnt matter, i did just google it..
cant wait 'til you release it

Pro Member Trainee
Tranquil Trainee

haha ok , i see you have registered anyway........

Pro Member Trainee
jespere Trainee

hehe yeah i just had to

Pro Member Trainee
gimpdaddy Trainee

I spent a little time and did my own version of this aircraft not knowing that someone had already done it!!

Pro Member Trainee
jespere Trainee

nice gimpdaddy, on what aircraft is it?

Pro Member Trainee
toddbreda Trainee

Okay you big teasers, where's the link to download the livery! 😛

Pro Member First Officer
zakk hutton (chez64) First Officer

pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease 🙄

also i have found a 737-800 iron maiden here:

Pro Member Trainee
toddbreda Trainee

You can download the Posky Iron Maiden livery 757-200 from avsim. Here's the model and livery from an earlier flight today...

Pro Member Trainee
Fl4k Trainee

Tranquil wrote:

also on the subject of Iron Maiden repaints, here is 1 i have done for the new UKMIL Hawk T1

Woah cool...
can i get a copy of this plane to fly??? looks awesome

Pro Member Trainee
gimpdaddy Trainee

Mine was done on the posky 757 and is available here:

it says united airlines on the file package but its ed force one

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