Fine tuning Windows XP for FS2004

Pro Member Trainee
timohnani Trainee


I've read that people start up their windows XP with as few services and programs as possible to make FS2004 work more efficiently. Can somebody tell me how to do this in practice?



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Pro Member Trainee
Kurzer Trainee

I just hit CTL+ALT+Delete and stop all programs I'm not going to be using. A good general rule, if you don't know what it is... don't stop it's process 😉 Other than that, end program away! Usually when I get done cleaning I have: The clock, The sound controller and Windows itself running. Then I add what I want, i.e., Flight Deck III, FS Nav, Screenshots, AIBridge, etc.
Also, it's a good idea to shut down any firewalls or virus protection you've got running. In theory, a firewall won't hurt your FS experience but I've found I do get better frame rates with it shut down completely.


Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain
Pro Member Trainee
Kurzer Trainee

RadarMan wrote:

Try this program, it should do what you want.


I know what I'll be downloading when I get home...

Thanks for the link RadarMan!!

Pro Member Trainee
moreton Trainee

Try EndItAll - it's excellent.

Pro Member Trainee
timohnani Trainee

Great guys. Thanks!

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