Monitor resolution disappeared!

Pro Member Trainee
john (biello) Trainee

hey guys, i need some help! last nite when i booted up my computer, (without any prior changes made) my hanns g widescreen monitors native resolution of 1440x900 was gone. i noticed the screen was off a bit so i went into catalyst control center to correct the problem. although now my native resolution wasnt on the list, closest i got was 1152 x 864, also it appears that my computer is not properly detecting my monitor, as it lists it as generic. i have tried dling drivers from hanns g, a fresh install of catalyst control center, system restore and finally a fresh windows install to no avail... help im out of options and this is driving me crazy... i should add that i have been running on 1440 x 900 for months with no issue until now, and the rest of my specs are as followed...
abit quad gt mobo
sapphire x1650xt vid card
seasonic 650w psu
seagate 250gb sata hd
hanns g 19" wide screen monitor
2gb ocz revision 2 ram
and vista home premium 32bit...
thanks in advance guys!

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Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

Control panel/Display Properties/Settings.
See what you can do there. If it's a new monitor you may have to call the company or just shoot them an email.


Pro Member Trainee
john (biello) Trainee

thanks radarman. im going to call hanns G tommorrow. ive got another lcd on the family computer that i swapped with and my computer recognizes it right away. i cant tell for sure though because the family computer has on board video and doesnt support any resolution higher than 1280x 1024

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

I hope they can resolve it for you.
Let us know what the outcome is.


Pro Member Trainee
john (biello) Trainee

all fixed! i was using a vga to dvi adapter, and someone told me to just use a dvi cable. and voila problem solved! i still dont know how or why that made a difference as they havent gotten back to me, but it worked!

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

Cool, very easy solution!!


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